The places these blogs come from are probably a little easier for me to be comfortable with…I look at my stats and I look at all of the spammy comments people try to leave here on the back end, and I hate to admit…I miss people actually reading what I write, and having something to say about it and being able to converse with my readers like I did for close to 10 years. Granted these are not grand realizations I have up here…in fact many of my things I now write for myself and keep private…it’s just as good for me that way as the writing exists and I don’t have to worry about putting myself out there for the taking only to be ignored except for the robots who like to pretend how great my site is and include their little hidden advertisements…or the young lady who was trying to sell herself out for a date a few weeks back. Sorry, kids, not happening. I look at every single one, and I have to approve every single one as well.

I read the news online because it is the only place you can see people’s reactions in print…people write articles and there is this whole give and take process…I am more often than not entirely appalled at people’s commentary. It’s like being in a cafeteria with the news blaring in the background but hearing every single person’s analysis of said situation, which I may or may not agree with, but I am definitely more often than not completely sickened by what people think. I wonder sometimes where people lost their empathy and what happened to culture and caring about your fellow man?

Yeah, I know it’s not the popular viewpoint…thinking of what I was raised with, “don’t worry about other people, focus on yourself,” and I wonder if this is the poison that has turned our country into a bunch of hateful money hungry citizens who don’t want health care for everyone because it might somehow negatively affect their wallet via something as crazy and insane as taxes to benefit society (whoa, I know you hate the EVIL T word, but that is exactly what they are for). You will hear people ramble on about us as a country not being able to afford health care for its citizens, but we certainly have our priorities all messed up. We can find the money to start the war to ensure oil is ours (see Iraq for the most recent incident), and inflate our military budget to make sure you all have cars and plastic and everything else petroleum slovenly brings us, but we cannot dedicate an actual percentage of it to ensure you won’t die and bankrupt your family because your health insurance either didn’t exist or you exhausted your coverage. Think about what egregious inflation was done to the military budget during the Bush years, and tell me the money wasn’t there to ensure every single citizen of this country has a right to breathe and live, something which is very rudimentary at best.

I would love to see the entirety of Congress and every other government representative give up their health care and see what it’s like to be an average American. I’d give them two years. They would have to buy it, and if your wife already has cancer, oh well, you are just like you and me–if it runs out, sell your house, heck, lose it…then you really are a representative of the people. But, they never have to worry about it. They and their families have it for LIFE. So tell me how on earth are we even letting these fools vote on something they have no vested interest in aside from the supposed hole it pokes in their giant budget of baloney? Tell me how it even makes sense. Our little empire is going to crash and burn and take a slow dive straight down…and we aren’t bettering society in the interim. We are just whining and complaining about the wretched TAXES which are generally used to benefit and pay for things that we as a society enjoy–you know, those crazy things called schools and mail and parks and highway and law enforcement and the fire department…adding something which would benefit every single American here is just crazy, isn’t it?

When did we become so selfish? I mean, I have met my share of selfish people in my life, many who have poked holes in my expectations towards human decency especially in the past year…and you all claim to be giving humane people when confronted, but nobody wants to give up a few more dollars a week or day to secure the very base idea that we should all be allowed to live and breathe despite what illnesses or injuries might afflict us. Do we really want to punish people for being sick? I feel like that’s all this Tea party buggering is about. And then you have people like Palin putting actual cross hairs basically saying shoot me over people because she doesn’t believe in health care for all, and then a bunch of people get shot. (Ok, I will give you she meant kill these reps with a metaphorical bullet from a metaphorical gun, but come on, why is everyone on the right so violent?) And you have to wonder…who is paying for this care these injured people need? The Tea party thinks “oh well, your problem not ours, who cares about you?” And the national debt we have now would require each of us to personally pay 40+k…4o some odd thousand dollars in guns and bombs and you know, whatever other killer things we have made for over there.

Well, at least we can all sleep happy knowing that although you won’t have the care to avoid your funeral, the hearse and your family sure will have the gas to get your body there and into the ground. How incredibly lovely.