Scars and Hearts or maybe Hearts and Scars

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everything undone again

strange it is how people can get so defensive…While it is admirable to stick up for every motherfucker that gets modified as being an intelligent being..I think its wrong to think that the same societal problems don’t occur in reference… Continue Reading →

my small clicking box has been electrified….

I changed my mind late last week, after being surrounded with all things creative..and the breathing and pumping of the way this city breathes..everything in it exists because the whole exists…I tend to think of it as a circulatory system..and… Continue Reading →

anotha plan bites the dust..unh unh unh…

hmm…I had the confirmation and all that shit but…ick…I had this last minute plan and it kind of fell through…I’m not going to Toronto…no place to stay..blah blah blah…thanks to the KITTEN for being such a sweetheart to volunteer to… Continue Reading →

I can go to toronto but should I

I can go..I can fly there…all up to miss DV I guess..hmmmhmmm…who else is planning on going I wonder…hmmmmmmmmmm…I like trips..uh huh

the fetish queen is dead

she died..rather, they killed her since she didn’t participate in the shenanigans of the wierdo club..she just worked there..but, apparently that was not they decided to give her job to a professional dominatrix and offer her a shift that… Continue Reading →

my life is like a stinky pile of shit

yea so i finally got the photos from the convention i cut all my hair off and bleached the shit today so these are of the former deanna rock it


strange the ethics involved in dressing like a hooker. i dressed sort of along those lines the other day convention time and i have been feeling ugly which along its superficial aspects may make me fucked up the worry over… Continue Reading →

sometimes I say too much. sometimes I say not enough

my mind and beef-jerky-fied little heart has won the marathon again, twisting with every salted wound I lost my best friends over 2 years ago now lost and lying on beaches like the softly sanded glass coming in the drowing,… Continue Reading →

this picture I took a while back at the club I work at….

i just forgot how to care anymore

no forum no heart lost lost broken. i think i’m supposed to be alone. in its free-est most appropriate sense…yet it is raining affection on my head…from almost every direction..funny how a couple months ago i would have laughed in… Continue Reading →

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