Scars and Hearts or maybe Hearts and Scars

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when you’re bored, you tend to get involved with stuff that is just bad for you

Fictionalized details, based on RX-characters [names have been changed]: L=R.Monroe This is my lesson to miss Liza. She, being the invariable funny girl, gets herself involved in this situation that wreaked of drama, and youth and invariably led me to… Continue Reading →

If I were to be thrown into hell

It would not be a fiery furnace, it would be like walking into a large freezer, where your snot freezes at contact with the frigidness. Today is hell. In other news, though I am having difficulty controlling my fingers because… Continue Reading →

hells bells for snow angels

Yes. So, given the status of the storm, I hooked up with him last night to make sure that if I were to be snowed in, it wouldn’t be all terrible. So I reside in Brooklyn. E is a peach… Continue Reading →

beep beep beep get offa my seat

I am one of those quasi-morning people. The very act of getting up isn’t something I so much enjoy, as much as I enjoy laying down, that is. But once I am up, I try to make the best of… Continue Reading →

I wouldn’t quote you on that

Oh Jesus. I am battling the croak-n-groan gnarly lung spit lately, chewing shit that I spit up. I had my unemployment meeting this morning which is good since I don’t know if and when I will ever be working again…. Continue Reading →

cold season officially begins for me

I woke up yesterday sounding like “demi moore on a bad day” as coined by my friend. But it was a bit worse than that, my throat feeling as if it were stickily glued together with rubber cement, and me… Continue Reading →

life is pretty like sunshine

I spoke to my mother for a little while yesterday afternoon while en route to the L train. It always vexes me how negative she can be in being sad. If you were upset that your daughter didn’t call for… Continue Reading →

sometimes I can’t help but be full of love

Thanks, kids. Your existence in my life is both gratifying and interesting and superstar. I am gonna climb back up on that pedestal if I can. And I can. I will. But shhhh…. there are ways not worth discussing. Seeing… Continue Reading →

When you take the high dive off the pedestal

Funny. Sometimes the disintegration of the pedestal, and I mean the proverbial you can do no wrong pedestal, is something that occurs naturally through the weathering of time, or space. But sometimes, and for some reason I have done this… Continue Reading →

In a state of panic, it’s hard not to see, huh

I have decided something for myself, too, see? Remember when back a few weeks when I wasn’t eating, and didn’t have any real source of income? Yeah, I know you remember. That time I spent crying to various fools on… Continue Reading →

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