Scars and Hearts or maybe Hearts and Scars

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Two s Days

Two. Two is not my favorite number but three is. Yesterday I had the lovely misfortune of getting perched on some 5 thousand dollar chair so I could have some dysplasia removed via colposcopy from my cervix. Go team uterus,… Continue Reading →

Sunday Shmorgasborg

Today is Sunday, the warmest day yet this year I think, and even if it isn’t, I respect the small bits of sun that perks and peaks my skin whenever I can get it. It also happens to be Stupid… Continue Reading →

Andy Griffith and heart medicine…two concepts which don’t belong in the same sentence

This is one of those dude mornings. I woke up to TVLand’s 10 greatest Andy Griffith moments, and I realized something: that show sucked. At least it sucks now, and any humor or amusement it may have had is now… Continue Reading →

Wreckless Friday Days

I fell asleep last night in some weird fluid liquidy dream, after E called to say goodnight and I love you. Squished between pillows and my faux down comforter lie me and Asa, who I pretty much always have to… Continue Reading →

the power of a lie

Or ten. I based my entire adolescence on a series of lies that multiplied and were completely accentuated with other ones I constructed to compliment the original lies. I am good at it, it’s true, the lying thing, especially if… Continue Reading →

bup up up

This whole voice lesson thing is getting crazy…my idea of what is going to occur when I walk in the door is usually mussed and annoying at the point I actually do so, and has involved a complete lack of… Continue Reading →

Hip Hop Tuesdays

Rock n roll all day long. Or hip-hop rather, a quiet enjoyment of mine, because in all of it’s absurdity, listening to people rap slick poems is pretty entertaining. Sean gave me a comp which has everything from Nas, to… Continue Reading →

Today was a real Monday

For me, at least. Lately I have been feeling this guilt about making money but not doing anything to earn it, except having the right job at the opportune times to make me worthy of this government gift. Yeah, I… Continue Reading →

Time and all of its missing pieces

I am one of those people who has a mental rolodex of ideas and impressions that need to get out when they occur, not filed away for later reference points. I find that if I do not write my shit… Continue Reading →

Everyone’s a story

Whoa. Read the paper today about that girl who said to those mugger kids, “whatcha gonna do, shoot me?”, and so they did. Makes you think twice about being super saucy to thugs with guns. I have waivered back and… Continue Reading →

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