Scars and Hearts or maybe Hearts and Scars

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wandering around in the dark, somehow I hit something

Oh internet–you all know I have sung my songs before on what you were born to do and what you’ve become. I suppose that’s a line in another song I will plan to sing…but today I ran into another hallway… Continue Reading →

Awareness changes everything.

I stole this headline from this week’s lessons, courtesy of A Year To Clear–see I have been on this self-improvement kick as of late–trying all manner of class, scheme, whatever, to make a little cash as it feels like things… Continue Reading →

and now we can talk about shit that matters

I’ve been in this existential crisis over the past few years trying to re-invent myself–by recognizing the shit around me, apparently–which when I cut it off right there without an explanation–seems pretty fucking stupid. I mean…you want a positive slant,… Continue Reading →

Money as an American Value

I have been thinking about this a lot lately in my struggles to understand the world around me-I guess in my struggles to define the things I am seeing I have started making these connections with the things that seem… Continue Reading →

super cala who the hell wants to spell that out anyways?

Today is day 1 back to work. It’s been a bit slow and to be honest–it’s really not the hardest job in the world. It is simple and easy and being nice to people is something I have always been… Continue Reading →

scarlet marked for debt

Today is the last day of the birthday vacation. Was pretty nice in general though there are a few things I still didn’t get done–surprise! Today I went to the hospital again and came home. Today they tried to once… Continue Reading →

an uneven exchange, perhaps

I was in the shower this morning musing on things. I mused on what I want to accomplish over the next span of time. I recognized that though I am certainly more frequent than I have been in some time… Continue Reading →

41 and didn’t feel a thing

Ha. Well I suppose that’s the most benign way I might be able to address a pretty uneventful yet full of events day that was my birthday. Don is not a particularly thoughtful person, let’s say. He isn’t one to… Continue Reading →

a flu shot to start the day

6:15 this morning had me getting blood and a flu shot as a part of our yearly bio-metrics. I have a 31 inch waist and I weigh 138 pounds and a blood pressure that is too high–diastolic over systolic, right?… Continue Reading →

because I am great at breaking things

The TV. My god, the TV. You wouldn’t think such a thing would be important as it were, but for me and Don, we don’t really own anything of value except the TVs. Well, now the TV. Anyways. So yesterday,… Continue Reading →

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