Scars and Hearts or maybe Hearts and Scars

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so it’s December

Well here we are–freakin December and it’s another year gone. Progress this year? Um, there was the court thing, um….yes, I got married, put him on insurance, signed up for a bunch of classes on getting myself organized, drop shipping,… Continue Reading →

because nothing is what it seems

Don comes home last night after my day immersed in thinking about family dynamics and asks me if I want to buy a house in the general vicinity where he works (Parker, Elizabeth, Elbert County). “Uh…how are we gonna do… Continue Reading →

what is your definition of family? mine is likely not the same…

Interesting lately watching the world pass by us as it does…Don and I, I had mentioned, are pretty distanced from all family members–birth adoptive, who I picked up last year, you know. I kid, but for years the idea of… Continue Reading →

the stitch of a crick leaves more felled to the back

The more I come back, err, the more that comes out seems to be bringing some of my floated poetry back into motion. So many years, so many poems scribed on dinner and cocktail napkins–a friend of mine had so… Continue Reading →

the history’s in question but there’s an end in sight

I’ve made these weird allusions to the way things have changed recently even just with an answer–and all of these things, they point to a conclusion, for once. I’ve tried writing this shit down…and I’ve felt ill-prepared in many ways… Continue Reading →

being thankful, yet just trying to get over it all…

So guys…thanksgiving was, for me, a pretty standard thing anymore. If you’d been following along you’d remember I traded a pretty decent circle of support and friends…a chosen family, as it were…I traded them in for a different life in… Continue Reading →

on suffering

Interesting quandaries I have found myself in lately…but for once in my life–I know I am not the only one wondering how my body could turn against me so explicitly. I know there are other people out there suffering and… Continue Reading →

Would Heart Surgery Later in the Day Be More Successful? Maybe so.

Something Worth Thinking About I found this earlier and thought…hmmmm. What do I do with this? I think there are a lot of people scheduled for these quite the opposite. Every single time I have had a surgery it was… Continue Reading →

the drafts and the difference

Here are a few of the recent unfinished ones–generally what happens is I start writing it in the am–during a break from work or whatever…and then I forget about finishing it–and then I tell myself no, it is OKAY, because… Continue Reading →

scarcity and time

The past 24 hours have been a bit of a whirlwind–emotionally and spiritually I have been a little taxed and renewed and still feel a little lost to some things. I realize my concept of time is not like other… Continue Reading →

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