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We’re all a little closer to dying every day

I guess the thing I’ve accepted these days is that I am probably a lot closer to the end than some extended fantasy timeline where I get a house or some Italian villa before Italy gets creamed by a volcano… Continue Reading →

UGH. I hate you but I want to love you

I have so much to do to fix this place, excuse its appearance -it resided at heartsandscars for so long, but I had to make some changes. There are so many people with heart problems I plan to use it… Continue Reading →

what do you do when the world is on fire

Fuck if I know. Honestly I have lived through some shit. Clearly my medical issues are not the norm, even for people with my gene defect they are a little outside the norm. But I haven’t lived the normal life…. Continue Reading →

I have been on video, if you didn’t know…

Of course I am still alive. Of course I never got COVID. I know, there’s probably a few surprised at that and yeah, I am waiting for my luck to run out, but for now my husband is in a… Continue Reading →

Back to basics

In the Spring of 2005, I gave up one of the shittiest (yet incredibly cheap as it was free for a number of years) apartments in downtown Jersey City. In that time period I made a bunch of friends, started… Continue Reading →

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