Today I actually listened to a CD and it didn’t hurt. Of course it was Morningwood’s debut album, something I tried to sing to: it was actually pretty hysterical given my voice works at 60-70% of what it used to…. Continue Reading →
And oh, what have we done? I am finding it hard to be inspired being so bed-ridden…I am bedridden more to boredom than being unable to physically move. I was teary-eyed when Babs left this morning. I felt like I… Continue Reading →
This past week has been so amazing, it’s really hard to see that it does have an end. Babs is leaving town tomorrow morning, inspired to stay by my need for help. It’s nice to have someone making you food,… Continue Reading →
if you need to know anything about hospitals it’s they are really no fun unless you are one of the people inflicting the pain. otherwise you have rows and rows of victims crying out in pain because someone is always… Continue Reading →
Hey, it’s me again, updating on behalf of deaa. She just had her second surgery yesterday. She is in a great deal of pain and is unable to move either side of her neck, but is otherwise ok and on… Continue Reading →
my carotid was poked and prodded and cut into a bunch the other day…today marks day 8 i’ve been here. i feel like absolute crap, in so much pain i can’t even quite explain it. i will be home next… Continue Reading →
Hey Everyone, This is Deanna’s friend ValĂ©ria (aka “Francis”), updating on her behalf. She wanted me to let you know that she made it through her first surgery. The surgeries are bypasses from cora to vertebral and sub clavian arteries… Continue Reading →
Today I jet set in to the hospital like some sort of mini-celebrity (this is in my own mind only of course). Then I get regulated. Then I get sliced and diced. I feel nostalgic about my neck for some… Continue Reading →
Today I went to the hospital to get my syringes and such for my self administered heparin project and it became apparent to me: This country sucks… the life out of its citizens… Here’s the skinny: in Spain they just… Continue Reading →
so while looking at my various options for income support, i did some research that indicated i might be eligible for more than just food stamps (hopefully). it does require a bit of paperwork filing and all that stuff, but… Continue Reading →
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