Category hearts

These entries discuss heart surgery, recovery and other related comments.

lemonade and sunshine dreams

My original ramblings at this time were an amalgamation of spit and blood and muddied heart songs. I am choosing to flip it around and focus on the positive, what I do possess. My head is hurting me and it… Continue Reading →

and because tears grow possibility sometimes

I feel like I am in a constant state of flux and movement…with so much going on, floating by and becoming more real, it’s easy for me to get distracted with the whats I think I don’t have and/or should…I… Continue Reading →

because the heart is the body’s strongest muscle

In efforts not to continuously repeat my same mistakes, I am trying to do things a little differently. This has led me to the path and understanding that where I am is a direct reflection of me…my experiences and how… Continue Reading →

these are my moments to purge

Things have been careening in my brain to be a little out of control—there’s a definitive need for me to get it down once and then go back and filter and edit later. This is my project to be done… Continue Reading →

my inner bits

for any of you curious about grafting and all that. i told my cardiologist today, “I am afraid of the swine flu.” He told me he and his team have not kept me alive to have me die of that…and… Continue Reading →

seizing for the birds

So I was on my way back from a lovely trip to San Diego…waiting in the airport lounge for my plane’s departure. My head hurt and the confusion hit–when was it leaving? Should I be boarding. BLam! No dice lady…you… Continue Reading →

um where did I go?

so the world has calmed down for me again very suddenly. and thank god. i really thought i was going to lose my mind there a few times, and not because of anything that anyone else did to me, but… Continue Reading →

Go me…just another surgery

So tomorrow I have my princess surgery. Princess because I once had a nice voice, turned into a frog, and now I hopefully will re-princessify. Obviously frog is a bit of a stretch…more like whispery fish. Fish don’t talk, but… Continue Reading →

stupor of Tuesday

Today I was up really early…I gave myself an hour to leave the house. That is pretty amazing for me, because I am so NOT about losing sleep. I did try going to bed at 10, but the wups were… Continue Reading →

My Zombie Throat Won’t Eat Brains

A result of my last open heart surgery was unfortunately a little thing known as vocal chord paralysis. In general terms, my vocal chords would not close completely together (a normal fold closes thousands of times a second), and in… Continue Reading →

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