Category hearts

These entries discuss heart surgery, recovery and other related comments.

I’d Rather Be Dead than Get Covid

I know, I know, who would want to be dead of something that has a 99.9% survival rate? Well, let’s think about that a minute. Is surviving enough if you are left with a good possibility of early onset Alzheimers,… Continue Reading →

Dreaming or Dying?

One thing about not smoking weed is your dreams come back with a vengeance. I am not totally prepared for them, as I am pretty sure when you are dreaming in sequential order from youth to current, it might be… Continue Reading →

pain and strain and the mundane

I did the class on blogs and learned I should entitle these entries such innocuous and flowery shit, but I still have a tendency towards poetry, though a lot of it has been washed out of my mind with those… Continue Reading →

expiration and respiration

I tried to call this morning to check on that little thing sitting in my uterus. Lo and behold there are no options for women who have no health insurance to get lesions in their uterus removed. The clinic I… Continue Reading →

“Only 1” is better than None

It appears the leg I had, the right leg I had is now 1/3 as fantastic as it was, having two vessels cut off to the lower leg which will mean I am left semi-functional and yes, fucking gimpy to… Continue Reading →

a clot is a knot is a spot

Oh and I have those for sure. It appears I somehow manifested a clot down there, it shot down not up, guys–and it is cutting the blood off to the leg and since I also do not want to lose… Continue Reading →

not dead yet

I think I have used that title more than a few times in my life, always surprised as anyone I make it through certain things. Right now I am focused on my focus and brain to make it all better… Continue Reading →

my advice sometimes is a little lengthy…

You know, the more I write the more I wonder why the fuck I am not writing more frequently, but also I notice some of the things I have written lately I have repeated in terms of sentiment and meaning…. Continue Reading →

marching into time

I still do those what I used to think were clever plays on words though most people…of course I was going to write most people do not give a fuck what I write. Of course most people don’t, my god…. Continue Reading →

The Reluctant Survivor

One thing I think is not widely accepted, or talked about with these kinds of events we can endure, is how sometimes it’s not always a revelation or gratitude we all feel for having survived this. I am speaking for… Continue Reading →

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