Category hearts

These entries discuss heart surgery, recovery and other related comments.

I scheduled the thing: ON-X

Uhhhhhh. That’s pretty much the sigh I’d love to make. This is actually maybe not going to be as easy as I suggested, just given the situation and the possible outcomes. Again, the goal every day is maximum nutrients, maximum… Continue Reading →

Aortic Valve: Again

I got the call. The call said what I thought it might–it needs to get done, again. (the first was done in 1998) This time it’s planned, planned like they always said they should be planned. This is the first… Continue Reading →

ECHOs & Hospital Fun: The Pandemic Rages on

Hmm, So I had an appointment the other day in the hospital–D came w/me as support. You know, with the world kind of just deciding to get infected over nailing prevention don’t think you can go to the hospital without… Continue Reading →

Here We Go Again

So, I didn’t get the thing. The job, the position. It was working for Chanel, and really, how fancy is this ass to work for a real designer? Not fancy enough, I’m afraid. Yeah, yeah, it wasn’t really working FOR… Continue Reading →

St Patrick’s Surprise: High Five for Me

Sooo guys. I got it. The elusive Covid-19 vaccine dose I had been crawling all over everyone and myself to get, finally I got contacted on Lucky Day to get. Of course I got the email and was almost running… Continue Reading →

There’s Always a Reason

I am not one of those people easily scammed into believing in fate. Fate is kind of the reason we give to ourselves to understand why things happen as they do. I’ve been very good at finding the reasons after… Continue Reading →

DMV Failures: No Covid Vaccine for Me

Don kept hearing about this area being referred to as the DMV–apparently that is the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia metro area for those who did not know. The east coast’s states are smaller and jig-sawed together like a wild… Continue Reading →

Well, that Didn’t Work

I am sure many of you saw in the news the great and fabulous and lovely message that vaccinated people do not have to wear masks. I am sure it gave many of you hope, I mean yes, it is… Continue Reading →

Hope is So Hard to Find Sometimes

I swear–the worry and the shit I am doing to myself freaking out about this vaccine process is probably sending me to an early grave with each moment I sit focused on getting it. I know, I’ve mentioned I know… Continue Reading →

Money is the Only Value We Have

This is probably going to hurt your feelings to realize, but in America, at least, it is the only thing that seems to be able to define a person. The haves, the have-nots. The do you have enough money to… Continue Reading →

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