Category 2019

2020 is a new thing coming to…

So I have to admit, my webcam ass has not been online since I was in my 20’s. I realized that’s actually a really weird thing to get over. Now, everyone uses filters and fancy things to make themselves look… Continue Reading →

useful tips on use of time

Man it is easy to realize you have spent hours on Facebook or social media and gotten absolutely nothing done. So I am starting to recognize that is a terrible plan when you do get that time back you always… Continue Reading →

freebirds to the words

I have realized this whole freedom thing I am experiencing is not the most comfortable thing. I think I would be better at it were I not totally alone in this house, but for now, I am dealing with it… Continue Reading →

It’s World Kindness Day

Speaking of that, I resigned from my job yesterday. A job I had for 6+ years. On top of it being the only job I have kept for more than 3 years ever, it was something I really enjoyed doing…. Continue Reading →

when cruelty is the point

People never cease to surprise me at the levels of the cruelty they are willing to immerse themselves into to show you just what a piece of shit they think you are. I battle people all the time on healthcare… Continue Reading →

pro-tip for the dying

I have no idea why I went looking for mortality rates for people with the defective gene I have, but I did. And I already seem to have beaten the mean age of death (think it’s 36). Now, I am… Continue Reading →

when things happen…for the better

You know, it’s been pretty damn hard for me to rationalize the great betrayal that happened a few years ago now. To get legitimately thrown away and ignored was not a thing that was easy for me to stomach and… Continue Reading →

changing and changing

Things have changed a bit over the past week. Don is doing really well in his job, is liked and has a lot to contribute to the work they are doing. I have honestly never heard him so hopeful and… Continue Reading →

it was my birthday. surprise!

My birthday was Monday. I am not sure it was an aortaversary–that might have been yesterday given I was in surgery on my birthday and woke up several days later. This was year 24. I am not particularly nostalgic with… Continue Reading →

vlogging yeah so that’s happening

Alright party animals, I mean friends of the internet. It is happening soon, the thing I promised for so long. Why now? Well Don did something cool and set me up with a fantastic setup for that thing, above. Man… Continue Reading →

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