Category 2000-2011

Loss of Voice: Zombie Dusted

I made a bizarro realization the other night concerning my voice, which surprised even me in its intensity. I was doing this breath work practice where you do a kind of circular breathing which involves a continuous movement of air,… Continue Reading →

What It’s Like to Really Survive This Shit

I have been doing this yoga training as of late–not because I typically do a lot of yoga, mind you. Lately I’ve been less than stellar with my attendance due to a house guest which takes a lot of my… Continue Reading →

Introducing my newest talent:

Ok, so calling this talent new isn’t exactly accurate given many of these things were completed within the past year. I am one of those people who knows I am talented. But I do always have issues showing things to… Continue Reading →

It’a not that November didn’t exist, see

November existed, and even without the company of a certain few who were there at the end of October, it definitely existed and was hands down one of my most memorable months. The sex I had over the past month… Continue Reading →

this was one of those times I’m censoring at least half

The idea of hurting people goes against everything I believe in for any reason whatsoever. So I tend to really censor myself sometimes, not counting or divulging certain identifying details about a situation or my feelings about it. Now I… Continue Reading →

Happy Birthday to Me!!

Today I am 35. As a testament to the stars without makeup bullshit I see all of the time, I have decided to reveal my own makeup-free face. A kind of permanent reminder if you will of my mid-life point…. Continue Reading →

Clued in and Glued in

I can say one thing—chick’s head’s screwed on a bit tighter these days. There was a long expanse of time ending really on Monday full of strife and pain, the fucking worst in despair. I could not talk during this… Continue Reading →

Rocktober Shakes Me Straight to the Core

This month is always interesting for me. It is the first month I feel like Fall is an inevitability given the weather’s somehow overnight switch to brisker winds and sun splashed landscapes. Denver in October is like a warm impressionist… Continue Reading →

Lyons, for a few

I’m up in Lyons, now, enjoying some time away from my real life to live my fake life…the one with dogs and a house and bike rides through the mountains and coyote moons and lovely things like that. It is… Continue Reading →

funny photo illustrating wiggling man trying to get your attention time

I woke up again at 6 am…this was a far cry from the night before, up from 4-6 am, trying just about everything to get my little head down after that. It was probably the beer, of course, but that’s… Continue Reading →

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