Category 2000-2011

Make Me Over, Life

There have been more than a few times in life I felt like I needed a do-ever, a chance to start again. Leaving Massachusetts was something I’d been dreaming about since we moved there from Colorado in ’88, the whole state leaving me… Continue Reading →

A 4AM Proposal

I’ve been somewhat of an insomniac since I moved here to Denver. When I was living on the East coast I didn’t always sleep so well, but here it’s like a plague I have managed to infect Don with-I feel… Continue Reading →

Colorado dreaming of East coast Relief

I suppose you could take that to mean a few things but I didn’t get flooded or drowned out here due to the recent floods plaguing Colorado. And though I have yet to view a lot of the damage firsthand,… Continue Reading →

My Perspective on Why Your Anger is Midirected

Recent events have really brought out the worst in people. While there is certainly some celebrating going on for those people who know now that they can get healthcare no matter what, there are a whole lot of you who… Continue Reading →

Life with an Unknown Disease

So after my stroke scare a few Saturdays ago, I got a little reality shot into my veins, really kind of shoved into my face a little too forcefully for my general easy-going demeanor. I used to call it living… Continue Reading →

Stroking my fears here…

Stroke…what an evil concept, but one I am all too familiar with–the stroke will likely be the thing that does me in one day, save for the freak car accident or possibility of getting hit by a bus. Which is… Continue Reading →

Youth and Illness–Turning the Tide 18 Years In

I have been sitting on quite a lot. For weeks and weeks I have been wanting to write. Not just here, but I have an armada of stories, too, which need development. I mean, if you’ve read me ever you’d… Continue Reading →

I know, I know, it’s easy to expect the worst

I am kind of a jerk that way I realize. If you aren’t my friend on Facebook, you might not know I am actually alive. Nothing has happened, nor do I expect it to-though this is really not a way… Continue Reading →

The Mind Body Connection

What is your body, was the question. So I wrote this: Torturer, my body is not kind or agreeable and has played the role of torturer and dream killer. You hear people say this all of the time and it’s… Continue Reading →

January Light

I do my mini hiatus joyrides away from the internet every once in a while. And the winter is always an easier time to stew and simmer and sauce up your days with bullshit little activities like say, watching the… Continue Reading →

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