Category 2000-2011

asa and deanna got a quick cam…tired ired after a night of work

this is my dog and I she’s cute but quite a mess and won’t sit still for very long I also grew ghetto hair overnight because I am good like that..n shit…. and because I care so much about shamless… Continue Reading →

not about politics but the kharmic wheel…the events across the river..

recognizing that politics are people. I don’t see any need to bust off on politics, but I do need to do this for myself and for everyone else that’s been wondering what I have to say about this situation.. TUESDAY… Continue Reading →

cleaning out the email on my way out of town

scared is as scared does. with the worry and anticipation of the blood that runs through my veins in great gallons. my body is limp and wasted like the scattered pilings. leaves, broken hearts and broken bodies. I would destroy… Continue Reading →

incidental music and superchunk dreaming

it’s hotter than a motherfucker outside. thank god for fax machines which make even bartending hunt work easier. and movie theatres. my dog i think has to shit. i have neglected her today it’s too hot. mark is cool. he… Continue Reading →


i spoke with mark. my birth father and finally let him know about the tattoos and random fun facts about my life. and it seems to be going well, in the sense that i said “yea, well bet you didn’t… Continue Reading →

im not the type. of girl. to steal your boyfriend. i swear.

i cried last night while at true, complaining because that was my night, a night i worked for 9 months before being ousted by some fuckin cheese ass mother fucker who i would not fuck. he is gone now, and… Continue Reading →

simplistic is the way to the end

i met a guy last night who seems to have some of the same ideas in music and sound in what he wants to do as I do. maybe he makes cool shit. i screamed in the bathroom with him… Continue Reading →

deep thoughts by bla bla smiley (mm hmm D)

i am changing. myself. for the better. seeing it right now makes it necessary.i sometimes think i feel i am better than most reduction in deify equals all the right in deny egotist tick must stop and end before it… Continue Reading →

tied in body sings

i was adopted. when i was 6 months long after birth because of cystic eyes… i talked to my birth parents for the first time last mother yesterday and wednesday and my father on saturday. strange coming from… Continue Reading →

everything undone again

strange it is how people can get so defensive…While it is admirable to stick up for every motherfucker that gets modified as being an intelligent being..I think its wrong to think that the same societal problems don’t occur in reference… Continue Reading →

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