Category 2000-2011

In truth, it really is this way

So I went to the farewell party for 111 1St Street tonight, and I am fairly sober, probably because the one nib of alcohol I had was promptly soaked up by the two veggie burritos that were so out of… Continue Reading →

time is changing me

I have spent a lot of time hating myself for the physical and various other reasons. My body is not a mystery, it’s a little messed up and broken. My mind is quite another, having had to ween itself off… Continue Reading →

and because I don’t want to sound unthankful

I would also like to thank my surgeons in spirit for saving my life. And the people who love me for loving me even though I so obviously suck…the life and fun out of everything. My existentialist side still asks… Continue Reading →

Party Time Excellent

Okay, though my facetious brain wants to spit fire on everything, I must say this: if there really were a freaking god, he or “it” hates my guts. Good thing I have no faith in that crap, otherwise I would… Continue Reading →

so the world is falling apart around us

We’ve got the US bombing Iran, we’ve got a super duper new strain of AIDS, the polar ice caps are melting and our long standing sense of homeostasis planet-wide is about to be blown open. for a party in… Continue Reading →


Oh yes, hyper girl has replaced morbid my uterus is strangling me from afar lady. Hyper girl is a result of my now-better body coupled with frisky weather that makes me want to molest the sun. Things are starting, albeit… Continue Reading →

in tribute to V day and all things pretty

today, though swearing is ripe on my lips though screaming seems to be the most satisfying activity to partake in as of yet though things have fallen apart, unraveled, come undone and annoyed I am gonna write something pretty. something… Continue Reading →

This is a short one.

My boy is in the shower, on the phone and I am microwaving my coffee. Microwaved coffee is the stinkiest. I am leaving, making deposits, paying my friend Dr. Steinberg, and going home to reorganize some shit. I still haven’t… Continue Reading →


I realize I must be the hugest brat in the world, because ultimately when I have to do any job, I hate it with intensity enough to grow anxiety about it out of my chest and limbs like it’s the… Continue Reading →

Two s Days

Two. Two is not my favorite number but three is. Yesterday I had the lovely misfortune of getting perched on some 5 thousand dollar chair so I could have some dysplasia removed via colposcopy from my cervix. Go team uterus,… Continue Reading →

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