Category 2000-2011

just a note

My clock is going to be off. In my head it is 3 am but here it is only midnight. How surprising this place was. I was telling E I would never get off the bus from podunk, USA thinking… Continue Reading →

Huge Thanks all around

First of all, I wanted to thank you all for being a part of what was probably record posting in my journal. That blip was actually supposed to be longer. But I wrote it and continued to get interrupted last… Continue Reading →

therapeutic? not sure

I spoke with someone earlier who told me that I didn’t always have to be running from death. That I was in a huge rush to accomplish stuff in efforts to escape or evade death. And I wonder if, no… Continue Reading →

books and more books

I’ve been reading, or rather devouring books since I was probably 11. I found it really hard to read post surgery but I have been doing it again recently. The Wind Up Bird Chronicle, The Curious Incident of a Dog… Continue Reading →

srix six oh six

ah too bad there have been these wretched dates every hundred years…too bad our current administration is so hell bent on screwing the world up that they probably find some peace in the fact that the world could end at… Continue Reading →

emotional institutional whatever it is

Lately I have been walking this line in between complete happiness and complete moroseness. These are things I should not be writing about today as it is the first day I spout a red river of hell from regions beyond…. Continue Reading →

June Blooms

I went out yesterday to open my bank account back up with Citibank, to no avail. Once again E was there to save me, introducing me to his personal banker friend at Chase, who opened my account up for me… Continue Reading →

Gems, not Jem

I just was reminded of that crazy lame cartoon called Jem that was on when I was in Middle School. Things are turning up roses for me lately. My friend gave me some info on a program through NY state which gives… Continue Reading →

May Haze

A new friend reminded me today of how powerful words are. And I’m thinking that I have to make myself a friends only kind of poster. Not because I’m hiding anything, but because I don’t want to; honesty is something… Continue Reading →

in honor of user names

I googled my user name, just like Francis said she did. And mine came back with: Did you mean: dead Kind of odd when you think about it. I always get wrapped up in the english of mobile phone text… Continue Reading →

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