Category 2000-2011

And on that note:

Wow. I was just looking back at the entries in that catalog of misses that I mentioned before. And it could all be summed up with just a few thoughts. I miss not being able to miss stupid stuff like… Continue Reading →

apple picking and dog lickins

So this morning as my head was all groggy and filled with sad and morbid thoughts, I decided to try and go back to bed. I did that for a bit, but roused awake by the click click typing of… Continue Reading →

good morning world

I woke up to use the bathroom and haven’t been able to soothe my mind back to sleep. All of this Apocalyptic talk sometimes gets my mind running to days when the sun might not come up. but a frisky… Continue Reading →

Fall sho’ is purty

Wow. My fancy #30 celebration of yearly life is coming shortly.  Very shortly even. I wonder sometimes, with the actual delicacy, some people call it preciousness, of life how it is I have skated past all of this insane drama… Continue Reading →

I feel raped by retail

GROSS. I went out to get my little shoes, and stopped in a number of stores to see if anyone had a blazer thing to cover up my arms since I don’t think wearing turtle necks every day is a… Continue Reading →

Sleptember Creams

Wow. It really is fucking fall and I am mad I never got to go to Great Adventure with G and Bg and family to splash all over the water slides. I wish I could go ride on roller coasters… Continue Reading →

good afternoon, September

Oh my. Today I went to work and spoke with someone who will be my boss. Raised in the same state even. She seems really cool…we seem to have a lot of stuff in common. I got my how to… Continue Reading →

and so the day goes

I don’t think people realize what an illness and major catastrophic health problem can do to a relationship that is not a marriage. It seems that people always think that they have been through more than you because they simply… Continue Reading →

first place kitties

weird titles i dig. usually they insinuate something more interesting is going on than actually is. the more I do the math the more i realize i haven’t had any real true time away from working some kind of job…from… Continue Reading →

I might not look like a rockstar but I can sure rock out with the best of them

I was telling someone that I was convinced that 90% of the recovery is mental. And I am thinking this has to be the case given my most recent activities. We got to LA at like 6 pm on Thursday…chilled… Continue Reading →

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