Category 2000-2011

showering is kind of necessary

But I haven’t had any since AZ. Nor any really peaceful restful sleep (last night I had none! I gleefully exclaim like a kid riding her bike with no hands). And no, the excitement is completely faked and falsified for… Continue Reading →

change my ass

I’ve never seen myself much along the lines of a heart breaker, though I certainly have some in my past. Along with the time and space that I was able to attain to produce an actual seizure, I had the… Continue Reading →

What are You doing Thursday evening?

I know, I know, it’s the day before the olympics bla bla bla bla bla. But I am having a pre-pre opening party at our place in Jersey City. We only had enough tiles for a quarter of the floor… Continue Reading →

because I don’t care enough to organize my thoughts right now

meme stolen from tallgirlkel 1, What color is your toothbrush? white 2, Name one person that made you smile today? jahna 3, What were you doing at 8 am this morning? walkin the dogs 4, What were you doing 45… Continue Reading →

what does a girl do with something like this?

So I haven’t had time to really pay attention to my life…I mean. I pay attention to my life, but I missed this letter sitting in my inbox from last week. The part that is kind of fancy, and kind… Continue Reading →

Cafe au lazy

I wish that were true in any sense of the word. I have been busting my tail all week to be here at work for 8, leaving at 5 or 6, go home, change, and paint and do cafe work until… Continue Reading →

I like these sometimes when you have something to fill in the blank

stolen from tallgirlkel What time did you get up today? 11 am. It’s what you do when you’re on vacation. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds Latest movie in a movie theater? Wall-E Favorite TV series? Lost What did you have for… Continue Reading →

Thursdays are…

Quite heavenly. Bg, on the other hand, is a pain in my ass. He keeps signing me up for projects which involve me helping a business dig itself out of a ditch because apparently everything I touch “turns to gold”. This… Continue Reading →


I have had so many things to write about lately that I have literally written about none of them. One, life at home is pretty stellar but I really need more hours in the day or just more energy to… Continue Reading →

Vacations are the biznomb

I got back on Monday afternoon. I was happy to be back but I am more convinced than ever that I need to discover a route and method to telecommute (work from home and make a ton of money). Luckily,… Continue Reading →

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