Category 2000-2011

not exactly full of joy

So yesterday was doomsday at my company. they ended up cutting a bunch of people from my room (about 25%) and from the rest of the company about the same. directors, managers, heads of things, and lots of in betweeners…. Continue Reading →

today is too beautiful

I am sitting in an internet cafe outside, watching the business of Newark avenue pass me by. It’s not the most beautiful scene but I really like being outside right now. October was always my favorite month, not for the… Continue Reading →

i’m up too late on a school night

What on earth is “family”? To me it is a weird untouchable thing that, even when immersed completely in it, still escapes my grasp. Not that I cannot understand it–I have seen many “working” families, but my own experience with… Continue Reading →

so what’s going on in her world?

well, Aside from perpetual money worrries and fear that my company will go down the toilet like the rest of America—some things worth mentioning, others not so much. It’s not like I wouldn’t enjoy unemployment. I would be saving quite a… Continue Reading →

gimme more money honey

friday is pay day. sometimes it is the day I realize i have nothing. ugh! i have to buy a refrigerator, get internet and eat for the next two weeks on $300. 🙁 Then the crazy accounting at Columbia somehow… Continue Reading →

Fun things We can do to annoy people

Dear Friends,  If your belief is that a female has a right to choose what to do to her own body and not have the government restrict her freedom to choose, then here is a brilliant and productive idea.  I… Continue Reading →

sleeping and unpacking and unsleeping and packing

i have a sleeping affinity unmatched by most. i love to slide into my bed and pass out…and this new bed makes it INCREDIBLY hard not to pass out as soon as my body gets assimilated. it’s one of those… Continue Reading →

I am almost afraid to post this…

What’s Sexy About Your Name You are sexy because you are aggressive and focused. You love the chase. You are very passionate and intense. You tend to become obsessed with whoever you’re interested in. You carry this intensity into the… Continue Reading →

in honor of el douche

everyone has some douchebag in them…maybe a little jerk in there that’s itching to come out. hey, i have it too. every once in a while i want to slap someone in the face or really put them in their… Continue Reading →


just when you think things can’t get any better…they certainly do. and did. the extremes that i have experienced in my short little life are pretty interesting. the shitte-est of shitty situations and the loveliest of the best. i have… Continue Reading →

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