Category 2000-2011

time wanes as the days fade

News spews. I have a motivator now, not something I had before so it’s even better. I realize that is something I had been searching for in Canada…a little know-how. I need and want the space to explore….to do the… Continue Reading →


Wow. What a difference a month can make. It seems like I’ve been neglecting this bit of me for a while, for a time to start to write a little memoir, but then I realized I am not where I… Continue Reading →

saying arriba-next time

I let go of something really important to me last night. I know it was the “right thing” to do, but I still hated doing it. My conclusion is I am sick of caring more for other people’s feelings and… Continue Reading →

I’m so tired, but alive

Things are so fucking crazy right now. Nothing is fucking stable. Nothing is solid. Everything is bound to change a lot. I want my stability, but I know that’s not meant to come right now. Because I haven’t quite earned… Continue Reading →

“hard as steel and fine as a butterfly’s wing..” Diego Rivera

The peace and solitude of silence, the ability to create and breathe life into previously sedentary objects, this is what I need. I am about to hit the bottom with such a deafening thud. I have done it to myself,… Continue Reading →

well since you put it to me like that….

E’s morsel of wisdom came to level me down to a certain playing field once again. He looks at me yesterday and said “so when you were recovering from your most recent dying episode in the hospital back in 2006…did… Continue Reading →

BAM…and then it was gone

BAM. There she goes…I have what I figure to be 5 months to get it done. Or start getting things done. I have paintings. Books. Businesses. Creation wrapped around interpretation and a fastidious and fast hand. The novel, er memoir,… Continue Reading →

the terror of silence

Oh, my dreams. I despise being psychically connected to someone…to feel what is going on without really knowing, errr…seeing it in front of me. It’s a seriously scary thing and sometimes I have to decide to cut the cord in… Continue Reading →

curiosity breeds sensitivity breeds displaced piece of mind

Girl, You did it again. I swear it would be fantastically amazing and unique to have the ends justify the means. One day, right? ha! I went up to Canada…fell in love, and now I am back, smashed to the… Continue Reading →

fear rules all

implanted by hormonal imbalances… I feel the need to shut the hell up, but scream at the heavens. I want so much right now, and though itissoclose, I am also afraid. Afraidofsuccess or maybe even afraidofsomething stronger. I am trying… Continue Reading →

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