Author deanna

its less than ten days to Christmas…

and I haven’t done anything remotely Christmas-like aside from put ornaments away, which involved walking them into the other room. One of these years I am going to have a fantastically swank Kissmas…and no one will be happier than me…I… Continue Reading →

and it was about freaking time, my friends

I got a poem in my email box, well, it was a freaking box somewhere full of messages. I hate to utter the terrible F word unless it is in regard to the F’s I know (two, now mind you)…. Continue Reading →

and fate smacks me in the face again

So after my post detailing how snuggly and delicious it is to sleep with my dog…I got the phone call yesterday afternoon–the one you always think you might get, but push out of your mind. At her age she was… Continue Reading →

week ending

Sooo….the weekend. There was the ball of sorts..didn’t go last year, showed up this year to check it out. Strange to see City Hall over-run with the neighborhood hipsters…nice seeing people dress up and that. I didn’t really talk to… Continue Reading →


Yesterday I went to the hospital and got my medication situation taken care of..when you’re on unemployment you get it way cheap, hundred bucks for 6 months I guess is the going rate, unless you are employed with a job… Continue Reading →

maybe I should have been a hair dresser

So…I cut my hair off yesterday. Not all of it. Just my usual Spring shearing…but it’s December, right? Yeah, it is, and my hair was frazzled and crackly. So I had to do it. And I don’t have the means… Continue Reading →

filtration leaves condensation on skin

Ouch, going through that many years of your life in one shot is surely a learning experience…I peeled back my layers for observation because not only do I have zero to hide, I suspect how I have handled things and… Continue Reading →

sunday’s freezing studio hours

So I have been inside the studio all day trying to get this stuff organized. I had to literally pick and pare down the entries over yonder so that they weren’t entirely redundant and protect people I care about (though… Continue Reading →

lazy saturday afternoons

I did a little market yesterday which wasn’t altogether successful…or any kind of failure. I hung out with a lovely little girl named Koby who sat with me by my space heater and we chatted about parrots, fortune cookie meanings,… Continue Reading →

this is where it begins

I can’t exactly convey how exciting it is to be here, of my own accord, through my own efforts, finally getting somewhere close to what I wanted. I have always spoken of making something beautiful out of the destruction my… Continue Reading →

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