I read this book yesterday. Well, I did really nothing else yesterday but read. I meant to paint, sure, but I was a little less focused than I should have been after spending the day before doing much the same,… Continue Reading →
Lucky me, I got a reboot from my sister, who has been leaving her charger with me in the evenings. I then wake up sometime between 6 and 6:30 to walk it back over and drop it in her door… Continue Reading →
Well, then. Earlier today I tried to get some things off of my chest, but it ended up seeming as if I was complaining. But I ain’t. I am happy as a little clam. Admittedly a bit lonelier than even… Continue Reading →
Huh, and wow. I have been in some kind of weird quasi weird land, navigating this idea of having a family being so in my face and unavoidable that I really am still a bit uneasy in certain situations, namely… Continue Reading →
One of the first few surgeries I did have (I think this was the second one) involved them cutting from the top of my right shoulder blade, around the scapula, under my left breast and splitting down in between my… Continue Reading →
So yesterday after we left the coffee shop, we ventured to two more…then as I was getting home I got a phone call from the neighbor who shares the back alleyway and sits directly behind my sister’s house. He (Justin)… Continue Reading →
Denver so far is a welcome experiment in regards to my personal evolution with regard to my business and personal life. Last week was primarily an exercise in acclimation–socially, emotionally and physically. I also have realized that not being stressed… Continue Reading →
So that is done, finally. My body is wrecked more than it has been in quite some time, which is saying a lot given I am pretty sure I am more hardcore than most anyone else I have had the… Continue Reading →
These past few days and next week will be some of the most challenging days of my free-choice life. Free-choice in that obviously surgery is one of those things you normally don’t subject yourself to unless you are looking for… Continue Reading →
So I realize that I can’t go off on political rants every time I have the opportunity to, but I am also pretty sure that I would have nothing but fun if I were to make that a rule of… Continue Reading →
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