I just want to take a minute to praise New York state for finally growing a pair and allowing people to get married no matter what their sexual preference might be. It has been something that is almost hard to… Continue Reading →
My alliterations haven’t suffered, it seems. I don’t even mean to do it, but I’m quite good at it, I think. I will write more of the party later when I actually have photo documentation of said event… Right now… Continue Reading →
I spent some time out and about tonight, doing my part-time gig, thinking about my life and the countless ways people tend to burden their ignorance in my lap. I just got in from a long conversation with David, this… Continue Reading →
You wake up–it’s 12 am. You don’t know how you did this again, fell asleep on the couch, computer in arm, sunglasses on your head. So you get up, slowly turn off the light, and slide into bed, fully clothed…. Continue Reading →
Boredom does some amazing things–including flipping your practices around to be the opposite of what you once knew. I am not bored in a bad way, no, but I also have such a freedom with my time and my energy… Continue Reading →
Oh man, sometimes I read back through some of my posts and I am always caught off guard by the tiniest violin playing for me. It’s actually really funny always in hindsight. And though my reaction always is to post… Continue Reading →
Sometimes you have those conversations which spark realizations and things can never be the same again. This happened this morning when I was sitting with my sister and we were talking about me and my tendencies in relationships with just… Continue Reading →
Oh, the things I have learned lately. Many many things. I have always said the day you stop learning should be the day you die, but my learning curves have been sharp angled and painful at times these days. The… Continue Reading →
Wow. I love that the most ridiculous stuff comes into my head sometimes while I am hanging out with my mother. It’s like, she doesn’t know me, and as a result everything I can say is pretty much news to… Continue Reading →
Wow. Life is something special, I can tell you that with confidence. I took today as my own after my tooth was filled in with its toxic rubber mess. Then I walked down to my coffee shop and proceeded down… Continue Reading →
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