Clearly I need to be banned from online dating. I don’t even know what to say about it, except to say…one day you might read about it. I mean, I am telling you–my experiences literally run the gamut…and I have… Continue Reading →
As I was walking back from my morning jaunt to get get coffee this morning, it occurred to me I really really love public transportation. I like the whole communal thing, the convenience, the romance of it all. Perhaps it… Continue Reading →
One thing is for sure, when you spend as much time alone as I do, you tend to recognize things through the processes of over-thinking. Over-thinking to the point of decimation, over-stressing to the point of frustration. Here are a… Continue Reading →
I have been thinking quite a bit lately. Okay, so thinking is probably not the correct way of illuminating this idea, given I think all day long, but anyways, yes, I have been fixating on what has negatively influenced the… Continue Reading →
It’s 4:36 am right now and most of you are sleeping, resting in your slumber. I, on the other hand, am not sleeping, nor do I think I care much at this moment. My mind has been a terribly abusive… Continue Reading →
I have been toiling with this idea of disclosure and truth for some time now. A friend of mine used to tell me that I had to understand that writing about other people without their permission was certainly not a… Continue Reading →
Considering myself lucky in many respects might seem fairly insane to some, but for me it’s just how I feel lately. My income from NY state was restored, as a result of me having had my initial claim expire, I… Continue Reading →
The other half is doing. I have been doing, doing doing doing. A lot of it. I am doing so much I don’t even know where the end begins and the beginning ends. Oh, alliterations, how I covet thee. I… Continue Reading →
Things have been really really good lately. Really fucking good for lack of a better term. I went through my blogs before I posted them scrubbing them for my dirty mouth, which we all know I have. Well, you know… Continue Reading →
Well then. First let me explain my sudden and shocking absence from the land of internets. It wasn’t my fault, it wasn’t a bill I did not pay. Nuh-uh. It was the thieves of the internet, the hacker elite, who… Continue Reading →
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