Author deanna

ECHOs & Hospital Fun: The Pandemic Rages on

Hmm, So I had an appointment the other day in the hospital–D came w/me as support. You know, with the world kind of just deciding to get infected over nailing prevention don’t think you can go to the hospital without… Continue Reading →

COVID 19 realizations: The Heart Damage is Real

I read something today while reviewing for my other site–and it kind of hurts my head, because I somehow saw it coming, and the other part of me has some hope that more investment will be made in alleviating some… Continue Reading →

rough roads ahead

There’s been some tickling lately in my head–it sometimes manifests in weird deja-vu moments, sometimes it’s me waking up at midnight or two or three am, usually predicated by a night drinking I should not have had. This has happened… Continue Reading →

Day 8 I’m still failing at discipline

My husband is the best–he just wants me to be happy and maybe write-make a little money but nothing crazy. Sometimes I feel like I fail him while I’m failing me–there’d be some freedom an income would bring me because… Continue Reading →

Hearts Hurt: COVID & broken heart syndrome

Hmm on that. It was a classic case of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, or broken heart syndrome, her doctors say. The rare but dangerous form of heart disease is triggered by intense emotional or physical stress when a sudden flood of hormones… Continue Reading →

It’s Day 6. Feb 6 2022

I know you worry so much about checking in on me–I know that’s been my mistake over the years. I mean how many people do you know who have a collection of blogs going back over 20 years like I… Continue Reading →

Days 4 & 5

I know I should be making titles more interesting than that. I did fail like a true champion yesterday. I woke up actually screaming because the headache I got crippled me for the first part of the day almost entirely…. Continue Reading →

Day 3

So I finally made it to 11,245 steps, or really I made it past 10,000. I still haven’t done any workouts, partially because I am embarrassed and partially because I used to do none of that. I used to work… Continue Reading →

Two two twenty twenty-two

You know you don’t get a chance but once in a lifetime to write that and think it’s fun. So this is post 2-I know you’ve all been waiting. But it will show up posted later which is some English… Continue Reading →

February 1, New Me, New Something

I have been writing more at the other site–the urgency in trying to get information out certainly seems worth protecting vs waxing poetic here, but I am trying something new for February. I don’t ever post photos publicly so will… Continue Reading →

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