I am Mrs. Progress today…a continuance from yesterday. My friend the dentist, wow, I wish I took a photo from the chair out the window, but ANYWAYS…I am going back at the end of the month to get a root… Continue Reading →
Soooo….I mentioned this before but today was day 1 until 10/25. I decided to open up my vacation with a particularly un-fun activity. I mean. I did try to cancel it, namely because it was an appointment with the person… Continue Reading →
Tomorrow I am off until 10/25. This is the time I am taking to get myself educated on legitimate things, things that require my effort and an outcome. I got a little further into one affiliate marketing thing. I wouldn’t… Continue Reading →
Today I am spending time with B…this B who has been my most consistent advocate in Colorado, the family I never had–she invites us to Thanksgiving Christmas and New Year’s every, year just about. We’re pretty isolated from the world,… Continue Reading →
Ugh. I did it again…yesterday’s drinking fiasco was my own fault. Alyse and I hung up for a while and a can of wine sounded just fine. When Don got home we were supposed to just drink the 4 box… Continue Reading →
I scaled today’s photo back to half the size I sent it in…we’ll see if it’s as fun as the giant one as I might have to go back there just to get over it all. I keep telling Don… Continue Reading →
I wanted to share some excepts of some recent drafts I never published right below–pretty interesting that all of this evolution hasn’t fully come to fruition, but this time I am not fucking around anymore. I am figuring this out,… Continue Reading →
Eh, so I fucked up a few days. I still wonder, as you probably all have noticed I have no ads…so no real reason to track my traffic. But I do wonder how many people think about this blog every… Continue Reading →
I work from home selling travel right now. Here I am, with this lovely lipstick on- pretty lips
I know you know what that is–but I don’t think the full commitment of the month can really be met. I mean, I have become somewhat of an election alcoholic–it’s one of the only things that tempers a lot of… Continue Reading →
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