Author deanna

A Tale of Me 4 and On

Yesterday’s social media posts were swarming with me too stories of sexual assault which counted to varying degrees, from the wolf whistle to all out rape. I got in on it as it seemed the perfect time to commiserate but… Continue Reading →

Discipline or Disappointment-or an Evolution of Sorts

Funny I really have been trying to skew towards the positive lately even with some of the things my mind somehow reads with certainly a lot more hope than there’s been. Yesterday Don and I got up and had breakfast… Continue Reading →

I am running out of time and space in my mind

Ugh, I didn’t do those photos because yeah, we were kinda drunk by like 5. And I was on a bus to my waxer at 3–promises promises. Don picked me up, hell I wanted to take a photo of Gaylord… Continue Reading →

Day 4-Day 3 Should be titled: I probably shouldn’t have watched that show on heroin addicts in Cape Cod

You can look up there to see what happened yesterday. I realized I could have been funny and poignant about it but it kind of bugged me for most of the night. Don worked super late and I was invested… Continue Reading →

just a quick really $6.77 at Whole Foods

I have some names for businesses I sometimes dislike—Whore Foods, I mean Whole Foods and Starfuckers for Starbucks–but honestly…breakfast for $6.77, today. My class starts in 30-and yes, the draft latte is pretty good a la Creamy Coffee Yum Guinness… Continue Reading →

an ease of inspiration if you just let it come

I am Mrs. Progress today…a continuance from yesterday. My friend the dentist, wow, I wish I took a photo from the chair out the window, but ANYWAYS…I am going back at the end of the month to get a root… Continue Reading →

Day 1 of 15

Soooo….I mentioned this before but today was day 1 until 10/25. I decided to open up my vacation with a particularly un-fun activity. I mean. I did try to cancel it, namely because it was an appointment with the person… Continue Reading →

Sunday to Monday and now I have the week off…

Tomorrow I am off until 10/25. This is the time I am taking to get myself educated on legitimate things, things that require my effort and an outcome. I got a little further into one affiliate marketing thing. I wouldn’t… Continue Reading →

a question of firsts and lasts and middle pages

Today I am spending time with B…this B who has been my most consistent advocate in Colorado, the family I never had–she invites us to Thanksgiving Christmas and New Year’s every, year just about. We’re pretty isolated from the world,… Continue Reading →

The Face for 10/6 is the One I Hate

Ugh. I did it again…yesterday’s drinking fiasco was my own fault. Alyse and I hung up for a while and a can of wine sounded just fine. When Don got home we were supposed to just drink the 4 box… Continue Reading →

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