Author deanna

when the clubs you’re in don’t even like you

I got up pretty amped–last night was the last hurrah for any drinking-I had a few glasses of Pinot Grigio with some Sprite–clearly I am no purist. One thing all my years of bartending taught me was to pay attention… Continue Reading →

today was lady day

Man–if there’s something absurd that can happen to leave me confused on a given day, it’s going to happen, I ended up going to a totally different address than I was supposed to, having first ended up at the right… Continue Reading →

I’m over-prepared-at least I try to be: OHS preparation for experts

I hate that I am a fucking expert on this over all things. I really don’t need this to be my specialty–cardiac surgery, anyways, but I suppose you should talk about what you know. I know I need to get… Continue Reading →

this is where we’re at: day 5

Today today. Oh yes, today was blood test day where I hung around a LABCORP, probably chock full of the COVID-infected–but every day seems to be a day where I have to do something. Tomorrow I don’t know that I… Continue Reading →

Compression Boots: A Surgical Need

So I got a little help yesterday–this was good because we hadn’t paid my credit cards in a few months and I needed a few things, as mentioned recently. A few hundred dollars can go a long way in my… Continue Reading →

weed is the way: nature’s anti-depressant

JFC. I have no idea who that girl was yesterday–those are not shoes I like to sit in for very long, and I have realized in my life that your experience is largely dictated by your attitude. Now I don’t… Continue Reading →

nothing great to say

I am very fucking alone right now, which is obviously not a surprise, but for those of you who have family who are good, who have friends who are there–be grateful. Not kidding you I could die tomorrow and nobody… Continue Reading →

kites, broken and realized dreams

So today is what I would consider almost the countdown–yesterday was the technical date–I never want to be seen as a fool so I tend to make decisions not on April Fool’s, but for before. I had to get a… Continue Reading →

I scheduled the thing: ON-X

Uhhhhhh. That’s pretty much the sigh I’d love to make. This is actually maybe not going to be as easy as I suggested, just given the situation and the possible outcomes. Again, the goal every day is maximum nutrients, maximum… Continue Reading →

Aortic Valve: Again

I got the call. The call said what I thought it might–it needs to get done, again. (the first was done in 1998) This time it’s planned, planned like they always said they should be planned. This is the first… Continue Reading →

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