Author deanna

We’re all a little closer to dying every day

I guess the thing I’ve accepted these days is that I am probably a lot closer to the end than some extended fantasy timeline where I get a house or some Italian villa before Italy gets creamed by a volcano… Continue Reading →

UGH. I hate you but I want to love you

I have so much to do to fix this place, excuse its appearance -it resided at heartsandscars for so long, but I had to make some changes. There are so many people with heart problems I plan to use it… Continue Reading →

what do you do when the world is on fire

Fuck if I know. Honestly I have lived through some shit. Clearly my medical issues are not the norm, even for people with my gene defect they are a little outside the norm. But I haven’t lived the normal life…. Continue Reading →

I have been on video, if you didn’t know…

Of course I am still alive. Of course I never got COVID. I know, there’s probably a few surprised at that and yeah, I am waiting for my luck to run out, but for now my husband is in a… Continue Reading →

I’m telling you, yoga before open heart surgery

Hey so I don’t care if your surgery is in a month, two months, two weeks–my advice is to try that link to the practice I recommended the other day. I had no idea how hunched I really am–of course… Continue Reading →

let me convince you on the yoga again: OHS preparation

Day 4 Yoga/13 days in

Counting days, days counting. I have a thing for numbers so I tend to notice them a lot though clearly I am no mathematician–I have a plan to organize all my at-home notes into a book of sorts with all… Continue Reading →

Day 12: AVS coming soon

Soooo. You know I love being an experiment–actually that isn’t true, but let’s just say that in this life I have felt the need to be my own best advocate. I’ve experimented on myself over the years trying to find… Continue Reading →

Day 11

Today’s plan is clean this place up. I’ll update later if it’s worth remarking on visually. My mother-in-law got me a ridiculous recliner. I mean, it will be the nicest thing to sleep in and recover from surgery in. The… Continue Reading →

Turning into a headline: Day 10 OHS coming soon

I wanted to write yesterday, of course I did, but a drive into DC and getting lost around traffic detours made it one of those days that left me without the right words–I cannot believe anyone would torture themselves to… Continue Reading →

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