hmmm…so the days go by and gather momentum for my imminent leave of the lame lame gym-which is fine. I figure if Cali falls off into the ocean in the meantime I will be alright because I am not continually stressed all day long.

Then again, as was so appropriately pointed out to me, I am not a fan of working. Working period. Someone else just pointed out that I haven’t been challenged enough. I guess I haven’t been challenged at all actually. Sometimes I feel like my running theme is failure. Other times I really don’t care; I just simply have rarely cared at all. Or rather, I do care, then something happens, and then it sucks all over again. Usually this is a running theme because 1) the business is badly run or 2) upper management paralyze you to actually fix the problems. This has happened on more than one occasion, which brings me to the conclusion that I need to have my own business. Sigh…

But in the meantime, I have been seeking bartending work in the city-though ultimately I should be downshore bartending at some lame sticky-haired club. Good money and I can handle ALL situations anyhow.

My best friend since she was 11 and I was 12 has her Bachelorette party tomorrow night. Thing is, I can’t go ‘cuz I am broke. I have no money to rent a car. I could go in the afternoon, but I have to work at 7:30 the next morning, so I am SOL. Oh well. I couldn’t go to her bridal shower, and honestly, a small percentage of the reason I quit was my absolute inability to shift my schedule at all. Hence I can now go to the wedding, whereas I would not be allowed to before. This Bachelorette party really makes me sad-I haven’t even seen Meagan in like over a year. But 15 years of history isn’t that easily erased.

Calgon, take me away and give me a car so I can go to my friend’s party. I would have the car back by 7! I swear! I won’t even drink so I won’t ruin my super perfect driving record.

Too bad Calgon is a gay bath juice and not a real gift-giver.

Christ. I am such a bad friend. I had a dream she was pregnant, too.

Oh well-chalk that one up to another thing I messed up this year.