I have been doing this on demand yoga, yeah, that’s on demand as in Comcast on demand…and it’s difficult because I am not so great at enough, but my improvement is swift…I figure by January I will be my physical ideal again with my skin taken care of, my hair grown out, and my body toned and lovely due to yoga three times a day on average. Today I only did it twice, but I kind of felt like I had sputtered out early through a pretty venomous and hateful rage-out I had in the direction of the one I wonder about. Oops. Ok three times for a month, cool, twice a day seems like a lot in general but I could manage doing it several times if needed. If I get diesel (uh, not a word I affiliate with, nor anything I have even ever seen)…well, fuck it. Maybe I will stay that way or soften up. All I know is that things are changing in my body and head already. I don’t sit around pining and waiting. I am making shit happen…

happen happen happen

and now we go to sleeps.