Sorry for the radio silence, party people. It was definitely not my fault this time–I had asked to renew these sites but the admin had an accident and could not get them up. Luckily for me, he got them renewed just in time. Owning these sites as long as I have–as I said to Don. “I legit am leaving nothing tangible except this blog because I haven’t done anything great or noteworthy…yet.” So I was pretty upset–the poor guy had several of me crying into his voicemail with things like “I have to have another open heart surgery I might not survive, this is ALL I have, please please please please renew it.” I know, the drama, right? But ultimately it was absolutely true. See, I am moving again. And moving is always stressful, I don’t care who you are, it just is.

Right now I am in the midst of packing the life Don and I have made for ourselves the past nearly 10 years. This involves throwing away maybe 70% of its tangible remnants and prioritizing what I am going to move 1800 miles in the opposite direction. Again. For any of you who know me know me, you remember how I was a pretty fashionable person for a number of years I am sure. I have legitimately thrown away. I am not even kidding, 120-200 40 gallon black trash bags full of clothing over the past 20 years, AT LEAST. This time I am taking barely anything. My approach is going to be, would you buy this for yourself if you saw it right now? If not, why the hell are you going to pay to ship it clear across the damn country?

The problem with moving ultimately is the stress involved in packing. Also being in your 40’s is maybe not the best place to be with such a non-existent network–so maybe moving to a pretty urban area of the country will spark that in the two of us. We are both super friendly people, and our dog kinda tops that out by being the biggest ham and loving other people and dogs even more than we do. I bitch pretty often about how unconnected people are here, how networks seem hard to manage with everyone being so private. Where we are going–the metro Washington DC area, specifically Alexandria. We put our money down on an apartment which will bring him into DC for work in under 30 minutes.

I have been talking to Don for years telling him every single day he is the best in the world. I have been trying to remind him his skillset is so valuable right now and his curiosity and knowledge was going to come back and get him in the place he always wanted to be and he got a job with a contractor where he wanted to be. They seem so excited to have him come that the sheer enthusiasm I heard in the last phone call when we told them we rented an apartment was contagious. I was like you know what? You guys are cool, too, we can do this.

So yes, moving involves throwing away 70% of our life this time. This means more clothes and glassware and maybe my whole China collection which we abuse and use in the dishwasher anyways but is so me, I love it so much. But do I want to move such heavy dishware clear across. Yeah maybe I do. But many other things are tossed. The 65 inch we gave to a neighbor and hopefully he takes the bedroom stuff too. If not, it will be fine. I have a table I am always on the fence about keeping but it is the only original of the 3 I used to own. But we are talking like the tops of 6 tables, several sheets of glass and mirror, one fireplace TV console, one king size mattress (no boxspring), an old desk and boxes and some shelves and pictures. That is all we are bringing. Oh the green thing. It always comes too. But that is our life condensed into everything we shouldn’t do without. Moving furniture you don’t love is never good. Moving anything else, even less so. Plus I like my whole would you buy this for yourself now angle as it leaves me more open for replacing a non-existent wardrobe. Right now I have like 6 shirts total, 2 tank tops, a few jumpsuits, 5 pairs of leggings, maybe 10 dresses and 5 sweaters. It all would fit in a suitcase easily. I have been working from home for most of the past 8 years so I have learned comfort is key and being cute is easy when you dress like shit most of the time.

So, not dead. Nope. Corona clearly has more opportunity going from a state that has 3-500 a day to roughly double that, but there’s also more space and community air we will share. You know me, I am all in to prevent this, so that does mean very excellent air filters in the apartment. But I did get what I wanted in another ground floor–elevators make me nervous right now.

So, yes–all that investment Don did years ago with secure video technology got a huge kick in the pants with a pandemic. He also invested in a class which made him even more attractive when he got home in May. Once he heard I needed the surgery he was pretty aggressive in searching and he literally talked to people ALL over the country. There was Hawaii, New Mexico, St Louis, Tampa and California. He did get the call I predicted after he got the offer–the job around the corner he had been inquiring about since May. Looks like life has different opportunities for us, however, so we are jetting out. Clearly with the whole breakdown of reasons I even came out here, it wouldn’t even make sense unless they offered double the salary to stay. And even then, that’s not a reason to stay as that’s just money. Money we haven’t had major issues with in a while–and shouldn’t given how smart we have been. There is certainly way more to consider than just that.

So–that’s what’s going on over here. Denver is hot and sunny and smoky every day and our sunsets are on fire, quite literally, from the fires. We have been doing these crazy drives through the mountains–I am trying to make him take me as many times as we can, because the nature to the east is not quite the same. I have a series of panoramas I will publish here. Oh oh oh. I will be adding a smaller ad feature thing here as I hate them but I need to figure out that damn student loan as he hasn’t made me work since last year but I have to pay that sucker off myself–not because he asked me to, but because it’s something from before I met him that should not haunt us both.

Be well. I am going to be correcting this whole thing with so many people added to the you now have heart problems pool with corona. So I should be moving the blog to the scarsandhearts and using this more as a reference site for people with general or specific heart issues. Information, new technology, incidences with corona. Tips for a healthier heart etc.

I have some other editorials I am writing, the thanks to this administration permanent disability rolls are going to triple to quadruple, welcome to the world of pre-existing conditions, where you can’t buy life insurance, but they can take everything you own, and do you really want to sacrifice your children’s future to having a pre-existing medical condition before they leave high school? and the list goes on. I have 2 other sites those might be more appropriate for–and another site called permanenthermit which will be for obvious things.

Be well, friends. Stay safe and wear the mask. I will try to write before we jet, but if not, here we are.