Yup and yup. I am maybe a week away from seeing Don so things are slowly coming together for us. By then it will be what–80 something days without seeing or touching anyone. Like I’ve told Don, the dog is the only reason I know anybody at this point. But certainly we aren’t touching and are staying far enough away from each other that it’s still a no contact world largely. The dogs he sees are his friends and I hope to never be regretful there, but again, it’s windy if I am out. I am calling it now–increased and continued airflow and filtration is a business opportunity that is being missed right now. So you literally see people not believing in masks to wearing them to their mailboxes on windy days. Definitely not necessary, but people aren’t always smart.

He told me they will pay him for 40 hours through June likely, which will be a good opportunity for us to save some cash for later. Rent getting paid doesn’t seem problematic until June or maybe the end of summer if we really buckled down. That means insurance through June for us as well which will also make getting some things checked an easier thing, as well as the deductible being so close to being hit–would be a shame to be done in May. The medicine refill comes in July, and if he is on through then, even better for everyone.

This Fall is going to be pretty damn scary. I am not excited for it–I just want to win the damn lottery and buy my piece of land. He’s been talking about doing this freelance work like a standard contractor, which would probably give him the freedom, but not the benefits we need now that he is onboard with this take care of me plan. Granted some of my writing I expect will get me some monetary rewards as well as development of those websites. But for him, his plan to take care of me has worked absolutely–I feel such gratitude that is true. I did what I could to push it along, the legitimizing factors were my efforts–the taxes, the Cali debt, the resume service. I am a good influence, see. I definitely always try to be with everyone.

Life is a real pain in the ass, but I am not done living it yet–I cannot say how much of a relief it’s been not to have to work in travel right now, especially now. My heart would have popped from the stress. Hell–now I have to smoke weed to get my BP down, something I was shocked to see–70+ points off the top and `15 off the bottom with just a few hits. The absurdity of weed maybe having kept me alive this long is not lost on me, though I wouldn’t say it would necessarily have the same effect on everyone.

Today is going to be close to 90 degrees. A day for a dress, yes.

I will even document it later on the gram. Below are the numbers as of 10:56 am MT 4/30.

 United States

Coronavirus Cases:




