Well, then. Looks like I am actually spending a lot of time with women who are retired taking these art classes that I am. I suppose it’s easier to take them with older people precisely because they don’t have the same starry-eyed expectation the young have with regards to where they’ll go. Yesterday we carved some rubbery mats and this next week we are sketching on plexiglass which I am actually very interested in the outcomes of–I mean come on–I have my own sketching scratchy style so I would imagine my print will come out a little different than some. I wish I had access to the drive on Don’s–he’s got all my good photos from my trip to Europe I would totally love to paint. But I do think ultimately I might have more luck trying to dig through what I have or take a trip downtown to get a few new ones before my classes. I am pretty ready to continue my enjoyment and figure my shit out with these classes-next month is WordPress. Then hopefully I can get the sewing stuff done and start working on my table for next year’s Christmas markets. I need to get this done and try my best to make it happen as I need a way to get a bunch of money put aside to pay for that student loan and hopefully get a way to get out of here possibly–more money saved is always good in this world, what with that crazy pandemic coming to town. I keep trying to tell Don this, but it’s hard for him to always hear.

This leads me to a piece of another posting I had prepared discussing how buying in Europe and even renting there is cheaper than a lot of American cities. That their healthcare system might be more conducive to my forward movement. Hell maybe I wouldn’t have to die in ten years if I had a system that I could pay into that was ready to help me. If you watch Househunters International it is a sobering recognition that people in other countries live quality lives not surrounding by strip malls and places to part with your money. It’s just not the way things I think are done in other places so they do tend to survive with a little less pomp and circumstance. Any place you can buy a property for less than $400k seems like a bargain to me, and some parts of Italy are even less than that. I want a quality life, nothing too crazy. I have lived with so little I wouldn’t even know how to spend egregious amounts of money and would absolutely feel guilty to do that the way I would want to if I was irresponsible. As it is I like spending my time in consignment and vintage stores so I wouldn’t be one to spend a lot of cash right now especially with the dresses I’ve got in my head. I would absolutely adore making all of my own stuff to be quite honest though I certainly get inspiration from things already produced.

But, get me to a point where I don’t have to worry about insane rents or give me the ability to get a piece and I am wherever that opportunity might be, though North might be more favorable to a little more consistent stability. Maybe somewhere snowy and with some Northern lights might be lovely. At this point I am open and am not generally impressed by a lot of the recent American attitude, sometimes a change of scenery might get you appreciating stuff a little more. Family isn’t really the thing that sustains me, as it’s been just me the dog and Don long enough that I am good with that as my comfortable place right now. Things are changing because I am changing my scenery and projects, but that’s how you need to shake things up. More on those other changes later on.