So I left Facebook a few days ago after getting banned for bullying. I am realizing it might not be the best place for me to spend my time debating. See, I stopped sharing things to my page, I just actively go out and debate people. I think about things from many perspectives and never see my inner voice represented so I have spent some time recently sharing my commentary, but it appears my sense of humor is not well appreciated, so I have been reported and banned maybe 3 times over the past several months. You’d probably laugh your ass off as to the reasons why and what things I said necessitated that I get kicked off, everything from trying to explain legal precedent to a person from Iowa that elicited the quip at the resistant concept–she refused to acknowledge it— Of course you are missing the point, you’re from Iowa….Idiots out Wandering Around (IOWA). It’s a joke from this part of the country and I thought it had some humor. The super ironic thing about that ban is it was an article about some judge declaring nobody gets to decide their own pronoun, and in her commentary she was arguing for a firing squad for a pedophile and cutting off his dick with a rusty knife, called me a man and all kinds of lovely things but it was the Idiots Out Wandering Around that got ME banned–apparently murder is fine, joking is not. I didn’t report her because who likes a pedophile? And I am not a snowflake, so there is that.

I mean, come the fuck on. I got reported twice in one day that resulted in some notification of a two day ban, because my response to another’s woman’s designation of Adam Schiff with “Bug eyes should have been better prepared” also didn’t seem to age well. It was “So says the Walmart Supermodel.” Personally, I think I am pretty fucking funny but why would I say it if I didn’t laugh or expect you to? I have had more than a few doozies–but of course it might just be me thinking I am funny, but really I am just trying to enjoy my time and life the best I can. Be annoyed, think I am a dick, but life is absolutely short and I need to enjoy what I have left to live.

The second incidents were the result of people laughing at me when I mentioned my American dream, the one I’ve gotten to live with such flair was making sure I never had anything of value, to ensure that I had nothing worth taking, and right now I don’t even have a fucking job, that’s how aggravating the game has become. I have some things I am absolutely working on, truly I am, but I am hoping to get larger transactions going with my art–so they laughed at me and I said, Can’t wait until you or someone in your family gets cancer or heart disease since you think it is so funny people suffer. And though I don’t really want people to hurt, you want people to understand what it’s like to be in your shoes as they wouldn’t be so abusive. I legitimately spend a good deal of my time discussing healthcare for all and explain the circumstances which have left me with really two very polarizing choices–1) make no money as nothing to take means nothing for them to have 2) have a lot of money as things certainly are easier to afford when you have a lot of money and can pay all your debts.

The first time I was banned though was pretty ironic as well. I commented on a dude’s threat of civil war and pointed out he seemed pretty giddy to kill his fellow Americans, and that I had been reading about his kind all morning, which was true actually as there are a few factions of people threatening to gun down who? Not the Iranians, not the fucking Russians, not even Mexicans necessarily, they were just more than excited to take up arms against their fellow Americans. This was them threatening to kill the liberals for taking their Trump away. Also reported for, you guessed it, bullying. He was wearing ammo and had a confederate flag in his photo, but I was the bully, people. Again.

So I ask you, world, who is the fucking snowflake here? I literally make a point of not making fun of someone directly–I never call people stupid or idiots directly except maybe that Iowa comment, I will give you that, but, I’d rather use other ways to kind of give the metaphor without being a total dickhead. I try to talk to people on their level without dumbing myself down. I really try to use language and concepts everyone can understand to illustrate my point, but if I am going to keep getting banned, fuck that– I am going to write my own political commentary somewhere because clearly the snowflakes on Facebook can’t handle my humor.

Anyways, here’s my plan. Unless the Coronavirus gets here, February is two art classes. March is the wordpress class to rebuild this site, shove the blogs over to scarsandhearts–use this for the vlog and heart related endeavors and tips. I think I found a few other social media morsels I need to master from a woman in Boulder. I still have 6 other websites and am thinking I need to get a few more. Then, sewing in March or April. It is so hard for me to think about the Instagram or do the youtube–I refuse to do any photo editing and omg I hate selfies. On top of this writing a few stories–and now have Pro grade Reason.

See…I suppose if I am going out, I am going out having tried it all…