I am trying my best to manifest my luck and numbers to help us do the things I want to do in this new sales job. I believe I have it, something that helps push forward my energies right now. I think life has better things in store for both of us, though getting Don to always believe that is not an easy feat. He is a bit of a pain in the ass, and incredibly negative to the point of sometimes spiritual toxicity. Sometimes you have to reject the bullshit to not have it surround you. and the best way to do that is to not expect it all the time. He doesn’t believe that, but if I just die trying, hopefully he will get it.
Some conversations I have had lately due to his departure from the company have resulted in some leads in even other parts of the country and the job I have now lends a certain flexibility to where I might want to go. I really enjoy the positive aspect of presenting the best parts of the stuff we sell, though I clearly have had my criticisms. But truly–I think this is an okay path to be on right now and I can only broaden my appeal by continuing to expand my knowledge so that I can still work telecommuting from anywhere I see as working for us. I have to figure out why this happened and I guess the sign is downtown, or where we were going downtown was the issue. Or maybe being in the state at all is the issue, and scheduling a move for December would absolutely be workable for us. It’s when my probation ends with sales and when our lease really expires and I am not one afraid to pick up and go, clearly. The reasons I came here aren’t being worked on anymore and there was a time we considered going back east, but those reasons were more important at the time. Now it’s really been about us doing what we want, forget everyone, not that I wasn’t that way before but this state is damn expensive, and we might need to make other arrangements for a while. I would of course prefer to stay if we could because I do think there will be water here for some time, but give me Hawaii or NC or some place interesting and I might be prone to reconsider. A different country would be my first dream but not sure how much a VTC engineer would be needed in Europe.
Either way. Look at me, getting beaten up by life again, isn’t that always the way. I guess I am superhuman or something because I do not let shit drag me down for too long. I am the bobber because we would both be drowning if I were not that person keeping our sanity and hope afloat. Someone always has to be that person because two become dead weights drowning each other out. I have already had enough of life trying to fucking kill me, so whatever on any other situation coming my way. Clearly I have been well prepared to weather stress and even death so I fucking demand a little more cooperation, life.
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