I scaled today’s photo back to half the size I sent it in…we’ll see if it’s as fun as the giant one as I might have to go back there just to get over it all.

I keep telling Don over and over I will figure this out. I made him listen to my seminar on the millionaire mind so he would get what we have to do to shift things more towards abundance over being impoverished. It’s a hard bend for my mind even considering I’ve blamed my own body for fucking me over it’s still blaming some other entity than my own will. He started yelling at the recording saying that wasn’t his problem, the problem was that people never listen to him. This ended up being a back and forth with me just telling him over and over I will figure it out. The man is nearing 50 and is climbing all over high pitched houses for people who live far away from everyone, likely because they’ve turned into hateful things who don’t get along, or maybe they don’t see anything good in the rest of us…but the point is, these aren’t generous people he’s helping…and risking his life is not something I am good with–in fact it was after he fell off the ladder a few weeks ago I started my mad dash to research ways for us both. My genius is going to be in getting one of my billion online business ideas to fruition because honestly–I have so many it is ridiculous but no freaking idea how to make it work which is why I am doing all of this now. And I am going to stick him hard into the direction of copy writing because his mind is so sharp–the way he writes is RIDICULOUS. He’s the guy who was married to a woman who named a child after him she had while they were separated, drowned him in a bathtub the morning she was supposed to go to court to hear the verdict on custody of their shared daughter–the man who was groomed at 19 by a one lead cougar who passed him around her Denver country club friends, the guy who’s got so many freaking memoirs in him now–man, sometimes convincing someone of their power is harder than you’d think. He gave me the name of the website he wants me to register for him when we were talking last night…the last one I let lapse because I recognized an unfavorable possible connotation in the name…this one is good and I’ll show you later..

Oh, but my sadness–he was so aggro by the time he came home…and really, motherfuckers, 90 minutes to drive 33 miles is a little absurd…but we drank. I had two, gave my dinner to the dog…and since I’d gotten free Poke earlier in the day…wasn’t empty and passed out like usual until a little later anyways…haha. No makeup photo first thing today…make-up we’ll try later…
