Wow–I am hoping this is going to be the last quarter of a year I will ever have to bitch about anything. You all have seen me struggle with money and cash flow due to the burdens of illness and big economic disasters as a result. I have tried the legitimate put your head down and work your ass off direction and it hasn’t done much to improve my money situation. I think that starting from a position of low abundance doesn’t truly afford you the kinds of opportunities you might need to truly thrive so you have to find them yourself.

I am the queen of random inventions…I have notebooks full of ideas…but being able to launch a product from pre-development to an actually money grossing thing–that takes a slice of time I am not sure I really have. Or really, maybe it’s effort.

In my research I have discovered a few key things you may not have known.

Almost every transaction on the internet is paying someone, somehow. This goes for products you recommend, reviews you take the time to do and the shopping baskets that get filled with products people come across spelunking. Amazon pays 5-10% commission for crying out loud. My apologies if the content here is redundant…I still am floored by that fact.

SO—I signed up for an affiliate marketing training program.


Several weeks ago I signed up for a copywriting course–who better to write funny copy but me–oh I know you don’t remember how funny I had been before the misery cloaked it all, but I WAS FUNNY. Now…just like someone is making money selling shit…there are also people making money AND ROYALTIES for writing the spammy copy–any of those emails you click-thru too…ALSO someone getting paid.

I will level this out with my third thing which IS one of those multi-level marketing programs selling makeup. Now…I went and registered the domain etc etc…and THEN, then I heard my voice on camera and WOW. It is terrible. I need to get over my humiliation there and then maybe I can do more…but if you want to hook a girl up, buy that EPIC mascara…it is AMAZING!

See here is my progress report for ROCKSOBER. Don came up with that term because we are election alcoholics…I am going to try to take October to make it all better…but for now…he is the beginning. By the end of the year I hope to have carved out a clearing for hope so the sad deanna is a thing of yesterday and filled with possibilities deanna takes her place.

Have a sweet day, cocos. I meant to write yesterday (those failed promises)–but I signed up for a class instead so progress is still swift!
