Oh yes, uh huh.

Today, I mean yesterday, the last day of March anyways… I went with my roommate to Prospect Park and drooled at some beauteous too expensive, full of spoiled rich people brownstones as we were walking back. I am so very proud of myself, having walked the three hours with only one request for rest. That park is pretty killer, for being surrounded by such a hodge-podge of different neighborhoods…and so freakin huge, it’s unreal. I hugged a tree very briefly, thinking that my healer might be proud…a big one, too in fact. Who knew that tree hugger moniker actually had real life meaning to some people…I always thought it was a joke.

But yeah, such good moods are stellar to be in, but sometimes only temporary, so I sit here in the dark.

Listening to the bazillionth car spin down the BQE this evening. I spent some time drawing my designs down on paper. And they’re good, too. There’s a place, a space, a sliver of okay…in my mind…spinning.