This past week has been so amazing, it’s really hard to see that it does have an end. Babs is leaving town tomorrow morning, inspired to stay by my need for help. It’s nice to have someone making you food, helping with the dog, hanging out and loving you. I feel so incredibly loved after my last hospital experience that this next one is going to be cake…though it technically is much more dangerous, ie, the “big one” as we have come to call it.

I complained so much about not having friends before, and it’s amazing how much the hospital will filter out the never were friends from the people who truly do care. I had so many visitors, so much help extended my way in so many multiple formats it’s ridiculous. From my livejournal I got calls from Australia and Canada and all over the country making sure I was okay, all asking if I needed anything at all.

E says I should hold the people who helped closer still after I am better, and show them how much I appreciate what they’ve done. I got an ionic breeze from River this past week and tons of gourmet groceries from Ruben. My friend Kristen is driving me to my Doctor’s office on Wednesday for my follow up. I had 9 people come in and out to see me in the hospital when I was there, and not one of them has refused one thing I asked or needed since I’ve been home.

D took me out for lunch on Saturday with like 10 of her friends…it was totally awesome and incredible to feel human again. Thank you for that.

My friends made everything so much easier to breathe in and take. For those of you who refused to be there for whatever reason, you will never have any priority in my life in as much as even feeling the need to pick the phone up when you call.

From this day forward I won’t fore sake one person who has shown me their love and acceptance.