I finished the blog. No more posts hidden on any other secret blogs that haven’t been uploaded. For the most part these are all of the public and semi-public posts going back 11 (yes ELEVEN) years to October 2000. The best part about this, is I can now pull these stunts…on this day back in 2004, 7 years ago, I felt this

This is what this blog is made of, just in case you were ever wondering:

687 Posts
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13 Tags


I am one of the pioneers of this internet logging, but I often find myself referring to it in various complaints about socialization throughout the years, yet this seems to be the way I am most successful now.

I started doing it at 10 something this morning and now, close to 10 hours later, I am finally done. There are a ton of photographs back in the day, and I did find myself illustrating my posts more then. The program I was on was the same platform that Tom from Myspace used, having purchased it from a developer we were all acquaintances of…well, that was the rumor anyhow.

Either way I was literally locked down for most of today. This was primarily because I registered a new site for my online dating exploits–with some articles, an advice column, stories, etc. I figure it’s a great way to use some of what I know and have some fun with it. My friends have all told me they also wanted to contribute, so we will have contributing stories as well.

I had to get this done because I was sick to death of telling people it was half finished. The site itself needs some more tweaking–I am going to have an informational part regarding healthcare and cardiac news with specific individuals.

Oh yeah, and my headbands? HELLO!!!!!?!?! What the fuck is wrong with me!?! They are really really good, and you will all see the beauty that they are…That will be happening this week.

Speaking of this week…

I am going to be heading to Lyons this week through the weekend, watching a friend’s dogs and house. That is when I will be hunkered down getting my articles done and trying to drop my name all over creation…I do have access to a car, so I do plan on heading up to the hills to check out the aspens before they have completely shed their gold. I plan on hanging out at Oskar Blues or whatever the place is called…I am going to ride my bike all over, and enjoy my life.

That is how I will get my cash money…I applied somewhere decent–cross your fingers–I definitely need the job–benefits and real human beings baby. It’s a different kind of job than I’ve had in environment, but it’s all the same customa service.

I spent a good hour and some hanging out in the tree again. Look at my tree. It has been giving me peace, calming my heart down, making me feel whole again. The top view is sitting on it. The bottom view is when I lay back, facing West. I lay back on it, face down, I do little twists and that. I try to stay limber, and since this was my first time with nature, I definitely took what I could out of that tree…

My ears tweaked to the sound of a motorcycle while I was up in this, and I did think Is that him? Will he just come traipsing into the park? Nahh, he wasn’t coming into the park. Sadly I had to reconcile with myself that my last little crush didn’t feel the same way about me. I recognize this because someone who is on an online dating website looking for long term relationships even after he told me he didn’t want one pretty much means something didn’t click in him…

I just wonder how it is he gave me a snowboard he loved for 8 years and…just fucking shut down. Shut off. I can’t deal with this right now, I know myself, I’m leaving, I can’t do this…? Ugh. The implications are nothing short of….well, human. And what a great opportunity to pull that excuse out. And he was trying to unload his belongings off before he ran out of town…It’s all good. I have nothing but good things to say about my time hanging out with him at least…

And I am not going to think it had anything to do with anything about me I usually place the blame inside of…