Kudos for Valerie, for being the coolest motherfucker in town. So no, it wasn’t medieval times, but there was no shortage of entertainment. We ended up eating at this place called Lips, complete with a full drag staff, caberet show twice during the meal, and not so bad food. There were many times during the show when the queens picked out the misplaced and mismatched patrons and started fucking with them. It’s always a shock to me when people don’t know how to handle themselves, and freak out, but that was part of the entertainment as well. We ended up leaving there and jetting to the upper east to see V’s friend Alex, smoked it up, and left promptly to be greeted by a now leaving path train. We are totally fucking black humor sometimes, and if there is a hell, no doubt we will go because we are so fucking obnoxious. We started making mini commercials using very politically incorrect humor. V has this thing about just being highly inappropriate sometimes-telling women she’s fucked that she had the herps when she finds out they had been fucking other people. As inappropriate as she is sometimes, she is pretty responsible with her pants so it’s not a good thing to mess with her piece of mind I guess.

I don’t understand this whole keyword thing, and it’s really kind of bizarre that I didn’t know how to update my diary but, what can you do?

I bought a couple domain names so I can put my own shit up on my own terms soon..one is business, one is personal, so there will be no shortage of options soon…Now all I need to do is learn about programming and coding and or design. All things I supposedly was supposed to graduate from college with, but I never finished that so there’s not much to be said there.

ech. My stomach is eating itself. Off to the city to meet up with V and eat. I really need to expand my social circle to more than one person, but I am just really not finding anyone that interesting that lives here. All of my friends are spread out like random leaves all over the country.

I am shocked and surprised that no one had the balls to post in my how many inches is it forum. Balls, kids. You gotta have em, or at least pretend sometimes. You could have won a fat surprise from deanna if you hadn’t all been so fucking wimpy.

RIght. Much painting to do today. A little short story blurb would be nice to complete too. If anyone has any brialliant computer experience, I think mine is possessed and I need help.