I think it might be less about the cold and more about a combination of air pressure changes, which directly influence the flow of my blood. All I know is I woke up all dramatic yesterday in tears. I took a darvocet, and tried to chill out, but again had to succomb to my woe is me pity and cry a bit.

Fuck it. Fuck my leg and all the other bullshit that happens because of it.

Today I feel less sick of myself, and really a lot more sick of everyone else.

Now I get to go out and rock the REdbull action. Oh, I know you wish you were me, all drinkin’ for free.

NErds, ya. Eat em up, kid.

The people owning my student loan said I could pay them for 6 months and get even more debt borrowed to me for next fall. Fuck it. I’m going to school. For what? Who cares. DOes it really even matter. All I know is that I get nostalgic and stupid every fall. I want to be learning. Maybe I will come out a scientist. Maybe a lawyer. THough I am going to SVA. Fuck all the rest of the stuff.

My potty mouth and I are signing off for now.