The following is what is being read today in a couple hours at Kelley’s funeral by her mother from me. I really wanted people to get a chance to see her writing and how powerful our exchanges were. When I feel ready I will post some for some other people who matter.

ALso, please remember to contribute if you can to Arielle’s fund, please do. We’re at $449 so far. Any little bit helps

I’m sorry I couldn’t be here today. Kelley and I weren’t often in each other’s presence physically, but in our hearts we were always in the same place.

Her charisma was addictive, her personality silly at times, and reserved during those brief periods where she didn’t have anything to say. She was a beautiful person who not only could provide the witty repartee to a negative comment, but could write a whole analysis of the situation which made you laugh out loud at how preposterous and cool she was.

Kelley sent me the following mail a year ago: She was talking to a friend of hers at work she replied, “You’re such a good person. I don’t know why your friends want to hurt you. One day they’ll loose you, and in all my years with all the people who have tried to be my friend..I know in my heart that they will never find a friend as true as you..a heart as good as yours.” I say the same to you. We are good hearted..we are a positive influence on the lives we choose to be around ours…which makes others want to keep us down. I know you’re on your own journey..and you continue to impress me on your find keep keep maturing..and you’re finding ways to channel your anger…I need to also. We do need to be together again because we are kindred. Your heart is as pure as mine and your intentions are similiar. Our journeys are just beginning! I don’t envy you on yours…I just hope I get to continue to witness it and watch you grow…in to a great woman…a woman who has NO idea how special you are…whose arrogance will never measure up to your full potential. Keep writing..I believe you are destined for greatness in some right..if you have not accomplished it already.”

Kelley was a good friend, the best friend you could hope for. We spent a lot of time defending each other from attacks people made on our writing. She was sensitive, harsh at times, a mother, a lover of life and everything she did involved trying to better herself. I believe she did that, but left a string of people behind whose lives she bettered by allowing them to know her.

It’s strange. I was the one with a heart condition. We talked about death because I had an insane fear of it, yet had been so close to it three times. She told me once: “Never be ashamed of that pure heart that needs a little help to pump…it is what raises you above everyone else. Your heart is what helps you to walk away from a situation with a pure concience…you’ve barely begun to embrace who you really are…soon. We’ll talk soon. I hope that your trip is more than you expect it to be.”

I could never imagine how much of an influence she would be on my life over the years. Her trip through life was cut short for reasons I do not know. All we can hope is that her legacy through Arielle will allow us to be positively affected by Kelley for all of our years to come.

I wanted to close with one of the first things we ever communicated on. She wrote this to me once:

“Drama seems to follow us huh? I think the most unique and strong people are tested so much more by life…maybe because they have a greater purpose that only tragedy allows them to recognize”.

I love you, Kelley, and I will miss you forever.