In preparation for Miami and my imminent leave from Crunch: I swear to god if anyone in my career path ever had as much basic smartass talent in articulating as I have, I would never be able to keep a job. Either that, or I would have had to be impressed by anyone having the balls I have had in my correspondances to my coworkers. As it is now, their writing is weak and their stances even more flimsy. After a conversation with my manager, who told me to take today off, and my GM, I have come to realize this company is the evil empire. They expressed distaste for something they told me to do, and even went to so far as to state I had no right to take two days off during closeout because Kelley wasn’t an immediate family member. Then she,(the GM), told me she had never approved any vacation which I had had approved TWO weeks ago.

What the fuck ever. Also, Arielle’s fund isn’t as much as I would have hoped. Any contribution…If everyone who loved Kelley contributed $10 to $20 bucks a piece we would be golden. If you don’t do paypal and want to mail me something, I would give you my address.

Anyway, I’m tired. This whole situation has me devastated. I can barely sleep. I spent some time talking to Kelley’s mom today. She seems to be doing a bit better, but me not going to her funeral hurts.


Hey guys,

I do understand that I overstepped protocol by not going through the proper routes and channels regarding my vacation.

I also am well aware that my two days absences during closeout do not reflect favorably on me or the club. Despite Kelley not being an immediate family member, she was very much my sister, and her death is not only a shock but a devastating event for me personally. Though I know it is Crunch policy to not have any real regard for an employee’s personal matters, as business is business, and money is money, yesterday’s and today’s absence will allow me to focus on my career with your company without breaking down into tears.

My revised vacation request is as follows:

Sunday to Sunday Any point by the first week of December. You guys can let me know what works best for you.

Again, I apologize for the inconvenience of my absence.
Thank you. Deanna Angelo Crunch xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Membership Representative