buh da buh da buh bup

I don’t know why I am all subversive sometimes. I have some friends I have made off of bme over the years, but it remains completely true that despite the whirlwind activity of the underground mod community in nyc, I have no friends who are tattooed or pierced to any great extent. Not that it matters; I have always chosen my friends for all the good stuff. Anyway, this is my excuse as to why my posts
have been somewhat sporadic and very basic. I have a couple other sites that I utilize, one being live journal, and someone suckered me into friendster, though it is very much useless for me. It’s probably because I don’t care enough, and remain just lazy enough to refuse to indicate common interests.

ANYhow, I have decided to go back to school for next fall. This, of course, entails I take care of some shit now, namely a student loan, and pull some portfolio pieces out. SVA is the school of choice, Fine Arts the major until I decide what I want my concentration to be in. I know myself well enough to know that I cannot be cornered into a major. I Was very happy at Art School, so I am returning to do those things that make me happy.

On a lighter note, my boy and I are doing rather well. I think the one year mark is today, and somehow I don’t feel all these irrational paranoid feelings about being with one person. For me, being with one person, and knowing it’s him is beautiful. We all have our slick little fantasies (mine always involve skaters and surfers), but no one comes close to touching this one. If only I could convince him to just go with me to Costa Rica in November/December. I think I may go sans him anyhow, just to get away from the cold. He’s really busy with this mission to Saturn, and they have to do a few more checks on their math, and their approaches, so I understand if this is one he cannot attend with me. We had a bunch of issues that are being ironed out, and as long as I can continue to see things in a positive light, life will rock.

Oh yes. I did get new work, though it is NOT finished, much like most of the bullshit on my body. It will be finished by Christmas. After my second heart surgery, my friend and I went up to Jim’s tattoos and got matching suns on the lower parts of our back, yes that cheesy spot every sorority girl with implans has. However, it was one of the last pieces I got, so yes a lot of the bigger stuff was there before. Anyhow, it’s all gone now, hidden beneath deco wings and flowers. It’s actually

quite badass, done by my friend John Reardon, back in town from Austria for a week. He is coming back for Christmas, and the tattoo itself is about 20 times bigger than the original lame sun. Which is happy, because now I only have a few select private spots with barely there lameness.

woot woot.

I will be back more often. My birthday is soon. Ouch. I am getting old or something.