Ok, so you’re anti-american. You think our government sucks and as a country of people we therefore, suck. The one question I would ask of anyone who has decided to gang up and pick on people is: how useful are our american dollars to you? How many businesses depend on the value of our dollar to actually be worth anything? God knows if our economy slipped into a proverbial black hole that everyone would be coming down with us. I understand the power of free speech and allowance to say whatever you want in order to be protected under freedom of expression, but come on. It gets old. Nothing said now has not been said before.

I will write more on this later but the trivializing of life by the constant barrage of insults and all of the “conspiracy theories” are getting kind of old. It makes me sick to think that people who decry the injustices of the american government freely harvest its money, and somehow are not allowed to not be called out as hypocrites.

Like I have said, I do not advocate murder. Nor am I necessarily in favor of war under any circumstances. But it is happening and most of the large superpowers (france and russia, namely) have their hands so far into the cookie jar (much like the rest of the UN) that they never had any intention of supporting us irregardless; that because their names and serial numbers might be on defensive and offensive weapons found during “the fight”.

Oh-and as far as Saddam goes. He has ravaged and raped and murdered and experimented on his country for years. He also has funded palestinian suicide bombers from his own pocket. He also exposed the men and women who fought in the gulf war to chemical agents (see Gulf war syndrome). People on this site suffer from the after effects of that exposure. I asked a friend of mine today why we should give a shit what goes on in other countries. So he murders, so he rapes, why should we care? I’m sure there are thousands of iraqis who could tell you why. It would never be said that we as a country are not to benefit from this act of “liberation” (see cheney’s involvement). However, under whatever pretense the attack was launched under, the outcome will be the same: people will not have to be treated as animals, to be killed, tortured and raped, and used as human shields after this is all over.

I live in one of the biggest targets of terrorism as there is in this world. Shit will never be pretty here again. None of us are ever going to ever really feel safe. I personally take great offense to people insulting the entire population of america. If I die during one of the terrorist attacks and someone blasphemises my memory by attributing it to the “stupid american involvement” I would be pissed, and angered. You don’t live here. I see living here as having some of the greatest benefits to living life that there is. Why else would we be such a melting pot? Because, for a time, anyone could come here, make good money, send it home, or settle and retire without worrying about anything but living life.

Enough of my rant. I would never be called a supporter of our administration directly. But, I am proud to have the freedoms that I do have. If you hate it so much and you want to punish us, stop lining your pockets with our money.

love to all
