My new plight, concern, is for the greater good, the lesser person, not completely whole because of a broken mind. or perhaps just broke. I researched artist grants, aid for people who didn’t have what it takes to be whole.

Those of us who have nothing to offer in terms of monetary summalogy get the proverbial shaft by the medical community, fate ignored largely because we don’t have the funds or the capacity to “pay up”. We pay you motherfuckers to care. Oftentimes I find the idea of paying someone to help you as absurd as having to always ask for it.

This government, one of the most fucked up, corrupt, corrosive forces in all of the free world (and then some) would rather spend its millions and billions in excess revenues to pay for wars and other situations where we have our thumbs so far jammed up everyone’ asses, we have no idea what is real and what is bullshit. I think it’s all bullshit, crap, smeared into pretty designs, excuses. We as a whole represent much of what is wrong with the world today. Greed. Money. Power we exercise in force, not much better than the dictators we swear to pull down. Lame. I wanna disappear. I want to get out of this pot I didn’t choose to be in.

The concept of freedom we take as it’s handed to us, in convenience store wrapping. We are supposedly a free country. We supposedly encourage free thought. Speech. We also have enough power in other places to threaten unfavorable reviews will end up in financial distress.

Anyhow. Money. Makes the world go round. You can pay people to give a fuck about you. Then there’s me. Then there’s Mark. I have nothing but my heart and soul to pour into any pan that needs filling. I will never be rich. I will always know the final step into poverty is never more than a few steps away. Why is healthcare limited to the elitest constructs of society? Why do the pharmaceutical companies rape us of money that is not collected in such obnoxious sums in other countries? I have not gotten my medicine since May. I don’t have the money for it. I have what is commonly known to alot of people, a terminal illness. Someday it will kill me if something else doesn’t first.

I also painted yesterday. I can still do it. I will rock that shit soon.

this is a coy little bitch.