So after being friskily awakened to make hOmOsexual moaning noises with the Francis in the midst of an 800 number phone call to customer service of the porn site Francis works for, I now have developed somewhat of a headache this morning…she decided that she wants to make a guest entry, so here it is… and remember..WE ARE FRANCIS.

hello sLuTs. i just wanted to let you all know that WE ARE FRANCIS. now what does that mean? you ask. it means that francis and i comprise one entity; we exist as seperate but complimentary personalities in two physically distinct bodies. (to clarify: no i am not talking “siamese twins”, nor twin twins, nor body and soul…..). i am talking about a complex psychological process whereby two people become so enextricably intertwined that they fuse. we have the same voice, the same syntax, the same semantic register. our brain waves synch. so does our menstruaL floW. YeT…we argue sometimes over points of view, ideas, concepts. i believe that that is how we grow, and i believe that the manner in which francis and i discuss things is comparable to the manner in which one “aspect” of the brain challenges other aspects. *our* arguments are like *your* “inner conversations” with your conscience. kabOOM! diFFicuLt to digest? you just haven’t evolved enough. give it some time. [wriTTen by: The oThEr FraNciS)